Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Invitation

The invitation is to take at least one, deliberately deep, full breath each day. However, 3 deep, full breaths work like a charm to create whole, new beginnings. Begin with a complete exhale. Fill up your abdomen area with breath, your belly should expand like your pregnant, stretching the diaphragm, feeling the spine, organs, the pelvic floor. With your breath move to your mid-thoracic(rib) region, expand your ribs to the sides of the room, to the ceiling and floor, completely full. Bring your breath to your very upper chest, expanding the upper chest like a bird preparing to sing its song, a robin with its red breast displayed with glorious brilliance. When your breath has filled those three areas, top each area off with breath, and feel your body full with breath. Hold your breath, scan your body with your breath, with your mind travel to your feet, your fingers, your neck and head, and inside the core of your body, feel breath in those areas. Imagine your body full with golden light and the energy of pure love pulsing all over. When you're ready, slowly exhale, in a controlled manner. On the next inhale, lengthen your breath down to your feet, hold, and release. If an area feels uncomfortable, listen, and work with it accordingly, breathe into it until the area feels more comfortable, open and relaxed. The goal is to take the fullest breath you can, begin there with love and gentleness.

Take a couple normal breaths to feel your body. Do you feel how in these moments of breathing deeply, fully, you have created positive change for the rest of the moments in your day and life? It is a powerful exercise. A teacher of mine use to say, "you have the right to breathe." You have the right to take deep, full breaths through out your day. The invitation is to breathe fully and enjoy completely all the benefits and blessings of doing so. May you manifest all of your dreams and desires one deep, full, loving breath at a time.