A Book Every Woman Should Read
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause by Dr. John Lee, Dr. Jesse Hanley & Virginia Hopkins. They also have a book on Menopause too, but I recommend reading this book first because it has more current information and is relevent for menopausal women too. The book was first introduced to me by a woman who survived uterine cancer, an especially fatal form of cancer, by using natural progesterone. This book details the uses and applications of natural progesterone, and explains how to maintain hormonal balance in a world that encourages hormonal chaos. The use of natural progesterone has eliminated my menstrual cramping, and I feel my life is healthier and more balanced from using it. Having read the book I feel empowered on almost all aspects of my feminine health and well-being. I feel I have the knowledge and resources to maintain my health, especially my hormonal balance, throughout my life. I can't recommend this book enough. If you read this book and begin using natural progesterone please share with me your findings and experiences.
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