Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Mother Who Keeps On Inspiring

About a year ago, my Mother announced that she was going to run the Naples Half -Marathon for her 60th birthday. She tried to enlist my sister and me in this athletic feat, but we both had too many resistances to shed in time for the race. My sister said "no" outright, and I contemplated my athletic prowess for a while before declining. My mom decided to run solo.
My mom has been running for almost 40 years, but she had never run a race or a half-marathon. She is a slow, consistent, and steady runner. She has run for many years, but mostly 5 miles or less, 20-30 miles a week. A half-marathon is 13.1 miles, and my Mom wanted to finish within the 2h 45 min. time frame. The day of the marathon was so exciting, to watch a dream of my mother's unfold with so much beauty, fun, and inspiration. On January 21, 2007, we all woke in the dark around 5am for the 7am race start. There was about 1,5oo race participants, and my mom was confident and prepared for her day. She was outfitted in a Boulder Running Company get up (my contribution!), camel pack, a year of preparation, and sneakers that would take her the distance.

Roger, my mom's husband, and I followed my mom around the course of gorgeous downtown Naples, cheering her on and supporting her at all the turns we could. My mom was amazing that day; I am so proud of her. She not only finished within the time frame of the race, she came in 12th for her age group.

Something occurred as I was cheering my mom on, and watching all the determined runners and walkers, many shapes, sizes, and ages. I got caught up in the momentum of the race and the awesome accomplishment of completing a 13.1 mile competition. I got inspired by my mom and all the people fulfilling their dreams with such heart, passion, and sweat. I decided next year I would accompany my mom, and run the half-marathon. I have started training, one mile at a time, very slowly, but I've begun. I'm shooting to run the 10k Bolder, Boulder in May if I'm in town. My mom not only inspired me to run, but one of her best friends, Debbie Garrand, is also contemplating joining us next year for the annual Naples half-marathon. My sister is still firm in her "no" decision, but has said she'll bring the coffee and donuts next year!, and cheer us on from the side-lines. Inspiration is contagious, and I hope all people will declare their dreams and enjoy as they manifest them.

If anyone would like to train with me for the Bolder, Boulder, contact me, I would love the company and support.
The invitation is to dream big, and may you find inspiration everywhere, every moment, for everyone of your dreams.