Monday, March 26, 2007

Feldenkrais Classes

My dear friend Erin Ferguson is a guild certified Feldenkrais practitioner and teacher. She has just moved to Boulder, opened a private practice, and has begun to offer some wonderful upcoming Feldenkrais classes. Her website and flyer information is posted below. Please pass this on to anyone who may benefit, there are very few Feldenkrais practitioners in Boulder so we are blessed to have her.

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Saturday Morning Awareness Through Movement (ATM) Classes in Boulder
Give yourself a break on a Saturday morning.
Feel refreshed and alive, focused and balanced. All are welcome.

Date: Saturdays, April 7, 21, May 5, & June 2
Time: 9:30am & 11:00am
Cost: $15 each or $20 for two
Location: see workshops below

Saturday Afternoon Awareness Through Movement Workshops
Time: 1:00-5:00pm
Cost: $65 each or $100 in advance for two
April 7th : Easing Back Pain With a Flexible Spine
April 21st: Comfortable Hip Joints (especially good for people who meditate or anyone who wants to sit with stability)
May 5th: Highly Sensitive People & the Body
June 2nd: Working With Anxiety

Location for workshops and Saturday drop-in classes: 3990 Broadway at Quince Street in North Boulder next to Lucky’s Supermarket. Climb the stairs above Village Video and enter through door marked "Center for Authentic Movement".
ATM Classes on Mondays and Thursdays
Thursdays: beginning April 26, for six weeks, 6:30-7:30pm
Mondays: beginning May 14, for six weeks, 6:30-7:30pm
Cost: $15 to drop in or $72 in advance for all six
Location: Solstice Institute, 302 Pearl Street @ 3rd, small studio. Enter on 3rd. Class size limited to 9.

Each Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) lesson is an experiential exploration of movement, breath, muscle tone, and skeletal alignment. In Awareness Through Movement you are verbally guided through a series of gentle movements that explore how you move and carry yourself. The aim is to bring awareness to your habitual neuromuscular patterns, increasing your sensitivity and giving you options for new ways of moving. No movement experience necessary. The lessons are designed to be non-judgmental, noncompetitive and self-directed so that you progress at your own pace. Wear loose clothing and bring your curiosity and open awareness.

All lessons taught by Erin Ferguson, guild certified Feldenkrais practitioner. See for more information about the method and my background.

Call 720.284.4306 or email erin@bodywisdomboulder with any questions or to register.

Private Functional Integration® lessons by appointment.

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The Feldenkrais Method
Erin Ferguson, GCFP
720 284 4306