Monday, April 23, 2007

Earthship Homes

My friend Brett & I were talking about wanting to live in green, self sustaining, made of the earth homes. I was telling him I liked the ideas of adobe or cobb homes with a greenhouse attached to clean the air, heat the home, and provide food. Brett shared with me these earthship homes built by architect Michael Reynolds. The homes are built from old tires, bottles, cans , recyclables, and they are completely self sufficient, needing only the sun to shine, wind to blow, and rain & snow. However, there is a lot of controversy about them & the architect has had some challenges maintaining his license. Anyhow, the links below are really cool, and the movie Garbage Warrior about the building of these earthship homes seems very interesting. Check it out! Thanks Brett!

Hi Megs,

Ok, here it is, it looks like the government shut down earthship building because of sewage being routed through the house to water the plants.

There's a new movie coming out about it (Garbage Warrior), link to trailer:

More at:

