Monday, October 15, 2007

Sacred Inner Egypt

My spirit as a bird, first a raven who then transformed into a swift and graceful falcon, traveled to the Underworld of Inner Egypt and into the heart of its mystery teachings. I journeyed to the center of the earth where I met the Egyptian goddess of truth, Ma'at, and many other gods, goddesses, and teachers along the way. I emerged with the sun to a new awakening. The journey into the Underworld bore many gifts and the birthing of a lighter newer being of myself. It was full with teachings from the world where light and heart matters are fostered. A place where feelings, wisdom, and intuitions guide and heal the soul. The most obvious teaching for me from the journey is that there is always great light to be discovered in all darkness, in all challenges, and in all life.

The journey I undertook was an ancient meditation perhaps 4,ooo years young from the land of sacred Egypt. A spiritual teacher and artist from Boulder has been researching Egypt and its spiritual mysteries. She discovered this meditation into the Egyptian Underworld in a book by Jeremy Naydler called the Temple of the Cosmos. With divine inspiration our teacher of the mysteries expertly guided us on a journey to this Underworld where each person seemed to receive the perfect medicines for them. There were three gifts of insight and wisdom that were imparted to me that I want to share. Gifts that are about becoming lighter and radiating love. This is the first segment called Turning of the Heads.


Soon after entering the vast underworld territory of Egypt, two beings who represented all the fears and negativity present in my life approached. I faced them and listened to them. Then I was asked to turn their heads in the direction of where I was going on this journey. To turn my enemies or fears into allies. How to do that? I saw a great light in the distance, my near future, and I knew like the light that follows darkness on Earth, that I was a part of the coming dawn that was imminent, the new morning. I focused on that beautiful light in the distance, and knew with all my heart I belonged there and I was on a spiritual journey that was going there. A spiritual journey that could be enjoyed in its entirety, moment to moment, wherever it led, both in its positive and negative aspects, both together create a whole journey towards wherever we want to go. The light that beckoned me in the distance graced my path in the Underworld with its golden light and gave me purpose. My beasts of darkness turned their heads to see what great fire lit my eyes in such passionate ways. In a flash as they turned their heads towards my light, I had the energy to go meet the goddess Ma'at at the center of the earth. The goddess who weighs the heart, who heals, and guides the future of the next new beginning. I also had a new tool that I was very excited by to navigate through the darkest aspects of my being.

The invitation of the turning of the heads is to see the big picture of our journey in the moments that really challenge us the most. The times on the path where its easy to get lost in the drama of living and side tracked from our divine missions as well as our own serenity. However, our divine mission and our own serenity can always be chosen again and refocused on in an instant, that is our power, to feel how we want to, and interestingly the dramas always quiet and transform to our own wishes. To know those "scary" beings are of our own creation. To love ourselves enough to choose to feel good about who we are and where we are headed at all times. To really be empowered and responsible for our own feelings on the path. There is a Native American prayer that kept coming up when I thought about the lessons of the turning of the heads of our fears into our dreams. There is a prayer: "I walk in beauty. Beauty is behind me. Beauty is before me. Beauty is all around me. I walk in beauty." To know that our paths on this Earth are full with beauty is one way to transcend any doubts or fears that may surface as we walk, explore, and dream our lives. Those moments that test us have the ability to drain us of energy or instead sustain us. What are we giving our energy to, is it our dreams, to the things that make us really happy, or do dark beings that are of our own inner creation mysteriously rule and suck our life force. Is it not time to turn the ugly heads of fear into something beautiful. To find the gifts and beauty that are always present in every darkness. The moment my fears were embraced, and I chose to focus on my dreams and where my heart was drawn, my fears became the energy that opened the doors to new travels and to depths of myself that brought me closer to the new me that I wanted to become, to a new lightness of being.

Let's take inventory of where our energies are going, is there a symbolical beast that is draining energy from us, from our souls journey, and to positively redirect that energy by focusing on where we want to go, how we want to feel, our dreams, our joy, our happiness. What makes you know that you are loved internally no matter what happens, and to keep that inner wisdom, that self love, and love connection always open. What helps you know that wherever you've been and wherever your going is beautiful and true. Just for today, what if you loved all of who you are, and what if the path before you was full with things that bring joy to your eyes. What if you looked for the joys that are all around you, and found them everyday. Can you see them? O, look, look.....

As their heads turned to the rising sun, a celebration was felt throughout Ancient Egypt for the new beginning that was given. Everyday the sun blesses the dreams of the new traveler on the eternal path. What dreams and adventures shall we live today?

This is the first segment of a three part journey into the Underworld. Coming soon is Part II, a journey to The Center of the World.