Monday, November 05, 2007

Awakening the Breath: A Meditation

This is a part of a meditation series to awaken more love in our body and life.

Awakening the Breath: A Meditation

One of Webster's International Dictionary definitions of BREATH: "SPIRIT, ANIMATION, VITALITY, LIFE."

You have the right to breathe. Not only do you have the right to breathe, you have the right to breathe deeply, fully, and freely. Your breath is your connection to who you are and to your world. The invitation of this meditation is to awaken your breath and to breathe love into your body and life.

Create a sacred space where you can meditate and travel inward. Begin to notice your breath in your body. Are you breathing deeply and fully? Take a few breaths and see how deeply you can breathe.... How deep can you feel your breath? Can you breathe into your abdominal region and the organs there, into the bones of your pelvis/hip region, into your legs, into your feet, and out your toes down into the earth? Just breathing freely, noticing your breath, and feeling your breath as deep as you can into your lower body.... Now bring your attention and breath to your rib cage region. Begin to breathe into your ribs.... Imagine your whole ribcage with each inhale expanding outward and almost touching the sides of the room or if you're outside then reaching surrounding perimeters. Take a few breaths into the back of your ribs, really feeling those ribs with your breath, imagine the ribcage expanding back there.... Breathing into your side ribs, feeling them, expanding them.... Breathing into your front ribs, feeling them, expanding your ribs and chest. Then taking a full breath into the whole rib cage region, your heart and other organs protected by your ribs, holding your breath there a moment, letting your breath flow down your arms and out your hands and fingers with the exhale.... Bringing your attention and breath to your upper chest. Taking a few breaths into the upper chest region, exploring that region with your breath...When you're ready taking a breath into the upper chest region, holding it there a moment, letting your breath flow up into your neck, your brain, your eyes, and out the crown of your head with the exhale.

Now taking a few moments to breathe naturally and fully, noticing any changes in your breath and body.... Soon we will be traveling to one of the most ancient and pristine rain forests on this planet, and breathing some of the purest air in the world. The air in this magical rain forest facilitates health and well being on all levels. Your spirit will be there too, providing the perfect medicines for your whole being.

Imagine your body becoming very heavy, and sinking into the earth. At the same time you, the essence of you, becomes very light, and begins to float from your body. You travel South. South to the land of the heart. Ahead you see a stone archway, and you pass through there to find yourself in a new land. A very beautiful and vibrant place, a rain forest. You inhale deeply the richness of the air here. Birds are singing the most enchanting songs, the vegetation is very lush and alive, wild orchids grow in loveliness around you, and in the distance the sounds of a rushing brook can be heard. You feel very calm here and peaceful. Magically the trees and plants retreat to reveal in opening for you to sit. In the center of this clearing there is a stone chair with symbols carved into its body. You sit down on the stone chair, and immediately feel a sense of warmth, healing energy, and support travel up your body and out the crown of your head. You spend a few moments enjoying the healing powers of this most ancient stone.... Your spirit responds to the lightness of your being, and envelops you in beautiful golden and white lights. You're invited to charge the enchanted air and lights that surround you with your own intentions for health, love, and well being. You hear your spirit chant to the air, to the lights around you, and to the rain forest. The air becomes potent and light with the perfect medicines for you. You're invited to inhale this air of light and perfect medicines as deep as you can into your lower regions, to hold your breath there a moment, and to exhale your breath and the healing energies even deeper into your body and into the earth. Take a few moments to breathe in this way and to feel the lights of love and healing flow to your lower body....Next inhale this healing breath into your rib cage area, hold it there a moment, feel the golden and white lights and the air mingle with the cells of your lungs, your heart, other organs, the bones of your ribs, and when you're ready exhaling the healing energies down your arms, and out your hands and fingers. Take a few moments to breathe in this way and to feel the lights of love and healing flow to your middle region....Again inhaling the potent healing light energies, this time to your upper chest, all the way to the top of your ribs, holding your breath there a moment, letting the healing energies mingle in your body, and exhaling the golden and white lights up to your neck, to your brain, your eyes, and out the crown of your head to the skies. Take a few moments to breathe in this way and to feel the lights of love and healing flow to your upper body and the skies above you.... Your body feels cleansed, vibrant, and full of light. You breathe in the air of this very special and magical place, and with your exhale you express gratitude to your spirit and to this magical rain forest for the healing you have received. It is time to go back to your resting body. Before you depart you are to make a wish and to hold it in your minds eye as you travel back to your body. On your next breath, inhale deeply the medicines of the air and this rain forest, then holding your breath and your wish travel back, back to your body, and when you've returned, exhale out your wish and this magic breath of golden and white lights of love to your life and world.

May you breathe the magic of life and love into your body, your intentions, your wishes, your world everyday. May each breath bring more sweet love into your life. May each breath bring you closer to your dreams, to happiness, and to well being.

Mantra for the breath: I have the right to breath deeply and fully.