Friday, April 13, 2007

The Art of Adam Homan

Adam Homan is a visionary metal sculptor/artist who just recently moved to the beautiful foothill city of Boulder. I visited his studio, and got to see some of his creative process as he works with steel, and interview him about his art, what a treat! His metal sculpture pieces are imaginative, detailed, and express fine craftsmanship. Adam's art really should be in museums to inspire and be admired by masters and others who appreciate creativity and imagination.

Below you'll find the interview and some pictures that I took that day. Adam will create a piece for you if you have something in mind, or you can view many of his pieces by visiting his website or set up an appointment to visit his studio: , or his email is :, and his phone # is: 520-886-6957. Now, I invite you to step into a bit of the cosmic world of Adam Homan!

Adam, will you describe your creative process from pre-conception to a completed work of art?

The creative process usually starts with an image I get in my head, usually a character of some sort that inspires me, makes me laugh, or even creeps me out. After I decide that it's something I want to try to make I visualize in my head how it might translate into steel. Sometimes it just won't work, other times there has to be a compromise because of the limitations of steel. I used to sketch things but I've been doing it long enough now that I can usually just start welding. I start off by welding a base and a skeletal frame. I usually make the body first and all other proportions match up from there. Sometimes if I'm not feeling like a piece is coming together, I'll actually do something silly which is stand in the pose myself. I can't tell you how many times I laugh at myself standing there like a dinosaur or a troll, a little crazy. After I feel like I have the basic anatomy down I start welding an armored skin onto the piece until it hopefully looks like my initial idea. Most of the time I feel like the finished piece is different than my original idea, which fuels me to do better the next time. Every once in a while I finish a piece and think that's exactly what I wanted to do, and that's the best feeling of all. And, of course, you hope that someone will buy it.

What would be your ideal creative environment for your art?

Hmm, this is a tough one. I always thought it would be cool to have your workshop/home in a hangar building with a roll back roof and an indoor pool. The workshop could be on one side of the hanger, and then the home would be on the other side, which would be an exact replica of the Millennium Falcon on the outside, but the inside would be an ultra-contemporary style home complete with game room, jacuzzi tub and a THX home theater system. Ooops, sorry, got a little off track.

picture of Millennium Falcon via internet

OK, for me the ideal creative environment is one where you have a lot of space to work, nice views, and maybe some other artists around who inspire you. Ultimately though, I think the creative environment is in your head, if you can calm the mind and be at peace the creativity tends to flow. I spent several years working in a carport in 100 degree weather, yet it was a very creative time for me. But I have to admit, it is nice to have a temperature controlled workshop with a view of the mountains right out my door.

When we visited your studio you mentioned that early on in your process you use to write stories for the characters you created. Would you share with us your favorite story from a character you've created?

When I first started sculpting I'd sketch each piece in pencil, which helped me visualize what it might look like in steel. After each sketch I would write a brief story about the creature just for fun. Well, I received some good responses so I started attaching the stories to the sculptures when I was doing shows or festivals, more for amusement than anything. After a while it just became too much to keep writing these stories for each piece and I got away from it. But several years ago I was looking at some of the sketches and stories and realized that I had enough ideas and characters to develop a childrens book, which I've been working on for some time now. My favorite story was the one for the Cigar-Smoking Gargoyle.

The Cigar-Smoking Gargoyle is the sage and philosopher of the gargoyle clans dispensing wisdom and advice to all who seek him. Unfortunately, due to a nasty hack and cough no one can understand a word he says.

Keep in mind these stories are a lot more fun when attached to the actual sculpture.

Picture of Cigar Smoking Gargoyle from Adam

What are your big picture goals as an artist?

My goals are to continue to evolve as an artist and be more true to what inspires me and others. I'd also like to move to a more passive medium, something not so labor intensive and dangerous as working with steel. It's been 11 years of wearing ear plugs, respirators, gloves, face shields and I'm ready to try something else, most likely clay so I can do some bronze castings.

If you were interviewing yourself about your art, what questions would you ask? (Then Adam will you answer those questions for me)

1. Who inspired your work?
2. How do you get out of a rut when you're not feeling creative?
3. What's the highlight of your career?

Adam answers:
1. I've been primarily inspired by books and film. I just love Dr. Seuss and read his books over and over again when I was a kid. Where the Wild Thing Are--loved it! I think what ultimately spurred my creativity was Star Wars, I know it's corny but it changed my life. I started studying the behind the scenes stuff, the modelers, the concept artists, especially Ralph McQuarrie. I'm also a fan of H.R. Giger, Tim Burton, anyone with a unique perspective.

2. When I'm in a rut I find the best way to get out of it is to make a piece that I've never done before, something simple like an insect that I can get done in an hour. It usually jumpstarts me and gets me back in the groove so I can tackle something more challenging later on.

3. I'd have to say that the best moment was at the Sausalito Arts Festival. Dennis Muren, the special effects supervisor at Industrial Light and Magic, came into my booth and bought several pieces. We've since become friends and I'm just so honored that one of my heroes purchased my work, it blows my mind.

Why Adam did you choose to create with metal as a medium for your art?

I used to go into galleries and see what people were doing in steel and it just made sense to me, I had that "I can do that" feeling. I also like that it's both a rigid medium, yet flexible enough to shape. It's also a very forgiving medium in that if you mess up, you can usually weld it back together, and I make a lot of mistakes so that's good. It's relatively affordable when compared with stainless, aluminum, copper, or bronze.

What inspires you the most?

Creativity inspires me the most. I love it when I see another artist who has the guts to try something completely new. And it's not just fine art either. Sometimes I will get all fired up by a book, a song, or a movie. For example, I just loved V for Vendetta and went right to the workshop after I saw it. Yep, creativity is the thing.