Monday, December 03, 2007

Awakening the Nose: A Meditation

The nose. Our sense of smell. A filter. A way to breathe. A way to touch & understand. A way to raise our vibrations and activate more love in our bodies & our life.

Awakening the Nose: A Meditation

Create a comfortable space for yourself to meditate. Begin to take a few deep, full body breaths. Bring your attention to your nose and imagine a smell that is pleasing to you. Let that smell fill your nose and whole body with goodness and love. Take a few more deep breaths down into your feet. With each deep breath, feel your body begin to sink into the earth, as you lift off from your body, and head toward the north.

As you travel north over all kinds of terrain, you soon spot a white wolf waiting in the distance on a snowy precipice for your arrival. White Wolf by her presence communicates to you that she is your teacher and friend, and will guide you on your journey into this wilderness. A journey to awaken your sense of smell, and to bring more love into your body and life. You follow White Wolf as she turns and trots north into the forest. After a while you smell the hints of a fire. Soon there is a clearing, and a small, round cabin can be seen nestled into the natural winter environment.

A grandmother with hair as white as White Wolf's stands joyfully on her porch, exuding love and wisdom, and greets you both. Grandmother is honored and pleased that you have made this spiritual journey. You're welcomed to this very special place and invited inside Grandmother's home. White Wolf quickly settles herself happily outside preferring the brisk outdoor air, but you know that she will continue to be with you inside and throughout this journey.

Grandmother's home smells sweet and of the earth. It feels warm, safe, and nurturing on many deep levels. You notice that Grandmother has herbs drying from her ceiling, and many containers filled with earth medicines of all kinds. You sit in one of the chairs that Grandmother offers. It is a chair for taking medicine journeys; It feels very comfortable and relaxing. Grandmother begins mixing some herbs and liquids that will awaken your nose and sense of smell. Soon the medicine is ready and she brings it over to you.

Grandmother explains that you will be going on a spirit journey to awaken your sense of smell. You will always be safe and White Wolf will be there too. Grandmother encourages you to play, learn, and have fun on the journey. You will know it's time to return when you hear her call you back with her flute. On your next breath, you inhale the aromas of the medicine Grandmother has prepared. Breathe the medicines as deeply as you can into your nose and whole body.

One of the first things you notice is that you have become the body of a wolf. You are running with a pack of wolves and White Wolf is by your side. The second thing you notice is that your sense of smell is exceptional. You can smell and appreciate the subtlest of things in the air. The earth smells so good. You take deep breaths and inhale these earth scents into your nose and body... Your body opens to these scents... The scents heal your body on essential levels and your whole being feels uplifted. You play with the wolf pack... Smelling deeply their scents... After a while, White Wolf moves to the edge of the pack and motions for you to follow. White Wolf speaks to you with her mind. She invites you to feel how these good smells activate your body with life force. You take several deep breaths until you feel a white tingle of love in your nose... That white tingle trickles to your whole body... You enjoy the feelings in your nose and body... You take a mental picture of this moment: You and White Wolf, your new sense of smell, the healing, the wolves, the land, and your feelings presently. It is a magical day and moment. Ever so gently, the sound of flute is heard floating on the air, you remember Grandmother, and the next moment you find yourself back in her home, smiling.

The smells of Grandmother's home are even richer and more beautiful than before. You express your gratitude to her for the medicines and the journey. Before you leave, Grandmother asks you to continue to awaken your body and life with the power of scents. She asks you to remember to smell the earth with your new wolf nose, and to allow the smells to bring you to new levels of awareness and consciousness. You are asked to practice smelling the goodness of life's scents throughout your day. Grandmother is very pleased how positively you have activated your sense of smell. As you prepare to leave, Grandmother whispers a gift into your ear, a piece of guidance and wisdom only for you... You give her a big hug before stepping outside. White wolf greets you with a new twinkle of magic in her eyes and guides you back to the precipice where you first met. White Wolf also has a gift for you. You close your eyes and link minds with her like you did when you were a wolf. She says, " I am White Wolf and your friend, call on me when ever you like, I will be by your side. When you let the scents of the world fill you with love and well being, I'll know you are well, on the right path, and that is one of the greatest gifts you can give me. We are friends, dear One, forever." With a heart full of gratitude for White Wolf, Grandmother, and this spiritual journey and awakening of your sense of smell, begin to head back to your body. Take a few breaths back in your body... Wiggle your toes and fingers. Smell with your new nose.

A few invitations of ways to use scents to awaken:

Each day breathe deeply and find smells in the natural world that please you. Remember the ways that smells and scents can heal you. Use them to keep yourself uplifted and happy. The nose is one of many tools to bring healing and higher vibrations into our life. When we are healthy, happy, joyful, and uplifted we foster more of the same continuously in our lives.

Use essential oils or scents that bring you pleasure and joy. Keep them with you or near-by. When you're feeling down or want a pick me up, place a few drops of the scent on your hands, rub them together, and then inhale the beautiful scent to your whole body. Feel your cells, your mind, your thoughts, lift.

Practice consciously smelling a few times a day. Really smell your meals, outside, inside, your favorite scents. Invite the smells and the love into your nose, your body, and your life.

The mantra of the nose: I'm going to smell and appreciate the scents of the world. I'm going to allow them to heal and uplift me.