Monday, January 30, 2012

Optimal Health

Hi, This video by Dr. Terry Wahls is one of the most important and powerful talks I've seen on how to attain and maintain optimal health. It is about 17 minutes long so watch it when you have time. Her journey from sickness to health is an incredible one and very inspiring.

Here's the link:

Adam & I have been juicing organic fresh fruits and vegetables everyday for about a month, and we both have noticed significant boosts to our health. If you like this talk you also may enjoy a documentary titled, "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead," it's available on netflixs as an instant watch under new releases. Really great documentary! After watching that film Adam & I began juicing daily for our health.

Love you all, Megan

Friday, March 18, 2011

Creating Health when exposed to radiation and other environmental hazards

We all know how everything and everyone is inter-connected, and with the radiation exposures happening in Japan and in the minor level exposures that happen daily in our lives from other sources we thought it best to look into supporting our health. Adam and I talked this morning about researching ways to support our health in case of emergency radiation exposure or other environmental hazards. This afternoon this article came to me, it was written by a man who spent many years researching this subject matter. The first 14 pages are very lengthy and deal mainly with severe radiation protocols, but from page 14 onward, the information is very helpful.

He writes about having potassium iodide tablets(KI) on hand because in an emergency they are difficult to find. He explains why KI is useful. There's huge research for the use of spirulina (pg 35), chlorella, and other sea vegetables to support immune systems and overall health. He documented cases where Spirulina and other sea vegetables dramatically reduced radiation levels in people that had major exposures. The benefits of sea veggies are so significant they should be included in our diets everyday for health. There was also other super sea vegetables with extraordinary medicinal properties that I plan to buy tomorrow at the health food store; I already use spirulina regularly. Epson salt baths were recommended to detoxify from radiation too. The articles goes on to discuss many other supplements and homeopathic remedies, but these seemed most important to me and thought you might also be interested.

Here's the article:

BIG love,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cultivating & Creating Beauty Project

Calling all helping hands to join our Cultivating & Creating Beauty Project!

I feel more than ever that this is a New Year to get completely involved in the creation of our dreams & do our part everyday to create and move steadily towards those dreams and our visions of creating a Heaven on Earth. I recently was very inspired by an article I read that mentioned an interview on CNN with Ted Turner. Mr. Turner in this interview spoke of one simple act that he does everyday & that we each could do that would help clean up the environment. The simple act is picking up one piece of trash from our streets each day. I have been moved to beautify my life and streets and thought you'd like to also join me too in a Cultivating & Creating Beauty Project, but I increased the ante since we have two hands.

This is an invitation and opportunity for all of us to help increase the world's beauty with a simple act steadily done each day. The daily commitment is twofold, the first part is to find beauty in the world everyday, see it, appreciate it, sing its praises, call it beauty, & bless the beauty you see in your life in all its magnificent God forms. The second part is to help foster and nourish beauty in the world by picking up two pieces of garbage each day, one piece of "garbage creating beauty" for each hand, and then dispose it appropriately knowing you made the world more beautiful today. I recommend that you choose a beautiful item that will remind of your sacred commitment each day to relish in beauty and pick up two items destined for recycling.

Please let me know if you can commit to participating with us each day. I will keep track of our growing numbers. Please share stories of how beauty is growing in your life & any other related gifts that will inspire and nourish the Cultivating & Creating Beauty Project. Send to:

This is a sweet creating beauty affirmation to pray and then meditate upon:

"Dearest Spirit, I am grateful for this beauty I see and feel in my life, thank you. May beauty increase!"

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beyond the Mind

Beyond the Mind
What is it like to be a pure, open vessel for Consciousness to flow through us, as us? What is it like to go beyond the attraction power of our thoughts to the field of awareness where all creation issues forth? To willingly surrender to something greater than the mind. Life is bigger than what our minds can conceive with its limited software. Life is love. Life is sweet. There is no place for suffering except in the world of the mind. Let's transcend the mind. Surrender our addiction to thought to the greater Consciousness. The invitation is to make an offering of our thoughts to Consciousness, Creator, Source, or God, as much as we can each day. Refuse to live only in the world of our thoughts and form, to live in heaven as well. Feel your thoughts dissolve into the energy they are. Allow them to release and be recycled back into the will of Consciousness. After you release a thought, it is helpful to inhale from the crown of your head deep into your now empty mind, and exhale out the crown of your head feeling your mind cleansed and opened. We are consciously transferring the power we have given to our minds back to God.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief
Our beliefs made from a network of thoughts we hold true create our reality. Many of our thoughts and beliefs we hold as true are out dated and no longer serve the consciousness that wants to evolve in our lives. This is an opportunity to visit your heart, and discover a desire that wants to manifest. I invite you to practice for five minutes everyday creating the thoughts that bring you to the place where your desire has already manifested. Feel for the place within where you are in perfect harmony with your desire. Be true to that place from here forward. Do not let sabotaging thoughts interfere with your heart's creation. Do you believe this desire will come true? If not, create the thoughts that will help you believe it's possible and ask the universal consciousness for assistance. If your heart can dream it, it is possible, it can happen if you believe with your whole being. If you believe in your desire, marry those thoughts that bring you to the desired outcome. Whenever you think of your desire the positive thoughts and outcome will naturally follow together. Refuse to follow the thoughts that connect to old patterns of limited thinking, doubt, and resistances. Be true to your inner world. The outer world is only a reflection of what's within us, do not be fooled into giving power away to that mirror. Keep changing and working with your inner beliefs until the desired outcome is reflected in the outer world. Acknowledge with gratitude when you begin to see your desire manifesting and encourage it to keep growing with your positive thoughts. Our hearts will never lead us astray, follow your heart, cultivate a space where your heart's treasures can unfold in the most beautiful, magical, and loving of ways. Be true to your heart, and choose to create beliefs that are life nourishing and love filled.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Love You

I Love You
Think about something that brings love and joy to your heart center. Feel that love and joy grow and blossom in your chest, radiating out from your heart to all of life. This is an opportunity to say "I love you" to all the people in our lives from the pure source of our hearts. Imagine the spirit of a person in front of you, look them in their spirit eyes, and say "I love you". Experience the power of the love connection that is made when you say those words from your heart. I invite you to begin this "I Love You" meditation with the great teachers in your life and then the rest of the people in your life. The great teachers are the ones who challenge us to grow the most, the ones who we owe the most gratitude to, but who usually end up receiving the brunt of our anger, fear, and other resistances. Forgive, and release all grievances, and say "I love you" to each person that comes to your mind for the next ten minutes. Greet them with your liberated heart, and love freely and unabashedly. May the spirit of your heart live in every interaction, and "I Love You" flow easily from your lips.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

All The World Is A Stage

All The World Is A Stage
We are consciousness masquerading as the many and varied roles that we play. This is a meditation to drop temporarily all the roles we play, to let them die, in order to experience the consciousness, the life, that we are beyond the roles, and to realize we have a choice to play a role or not. What is it like to consciously pick up the mask of friend, play that role for the moments it's required, and when the role has finished, retire the mask of friend? Instead many of us become completely identified with the roles we play, and we forget we are playing roles.
When our "show" or the moment ends where that role is necessary, we continue fully costumed playing a role forgetting who we really are, the consciousness animating that role. The invitation is to take stock of all the roles you play and to let each one die. Die in the sense that you detach yourself even if it's just for a few moments from each of the roles. While you're detached examine each of your roles as a non-judgemental observer and then put them aside. Know that you can pick up the mask and play a role whenever you need to, but that you can also take that mask off and just Be. Feel the presence of who you are when you have dropped all roles. Feel the lightness of your being, the alert consciousness you are. The roles we play become more effective when we are truly a conscious presence behind the masks, the scenes, and on the stage.