Friday, March 18, 2011

Creating Health when exposed to radiation and other environmental hazards

We all know how everything and everyone is inter-connected, and with the radiation exposures happening in Japan and in the minor level exposures that happen daily in our lives from other sources we thought it best to look into supporting our health. Adam and I talked this morning about researching ways to support our health in case of emergency radiation exposure or other environmental hazards. This afternoon this article came to me, it was written by a man who spent many years researching this subject matter. The first 14 pages are very lengthy and deal mainly with severe radiation protocols, but from page 14 onward, the information is very helpful.

He writes about having potassium iodide tablets(KI) on hand because in an emergency they are difficult to find. He explains why KI is useful. There's huge research for the use of spirulina (pg 35), chlorella, and other sea vegetables to support immune systems and overall health. He documented cases where Spirulina and other sea vegetables dramatically reduced radiation levels in people that had major exposures. The benefits of sea veggies are so significant they should be included in our diets everyday for health. There was also other super sea vegetables with extraordinary medicinal properties that I plan to buy tomorrow at the health food store; I already use spirulina regularly. Epson salt baths were recommended to detoxify from radiation too. The articles goes on to discuss many other supplements and homeopathic remedies, but these seemed most important to me and thought you might also be interested.

Here's the article:

BIG love,