Thursday, July 06, 2006

An Exciting Alternative

Hi Megs,

Thought you'd enjoy this, I found it in a magazine I read (New
it's a car that runs on compressed air:

The magazine is very good too, more info at:


These cars are sooo cute and green. They're in production now. The estimated costs are about 6-7,ooo Euro's, probably 11-12,000 us dollars on the mini cat car. You can reserve one now on their website. I also heard that Toyota is suppose to be releasing a $11-12,000 hybrid next year. Thanks Brett for sharing with me. -M

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

We Can Stop Global Warming

America being the number one contributor to global warming, I feel a special responsibility to be a part of the solution to help stop this most deadly dis-ease to our world. It will take ingenuity and creative problem solving, but people are creating life styles of zero pollution. This green energy living is spreading and becoming an example of a positive way of life that protects and preserves our world for our children and all future generations. When I left the film, An Inconvenient Truth, I imagined how horrible and how quickly the demise of our living conditions on the planet could happen. I imagined my children dying of heat,thirst, pollution, and violence. I imagined my conscience asking me what I did to stop the problem of global warming. Although I might not be able to instrument immediately all the changes I'd like to see in my life to become a zero pollution contributor, there are many steps I can take to reduce my toxicity load to the world. For me riding my bike or walking anytime I can rather than using my gas guzzling suv is a number one priority. Converting my vehicle to a green machine would be next or perhaps buying one of those lovely hybrids. Buying energy efficient light bulbs is an investment I make for our healthy future for all. Reducing, recycling, and reusing becomes a way of life. Encouraging my friends to see the documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth, becomes part of my social communications. There's more to do too, and I will learn about them just by getting involved and educating myself more on the problems and solutions. It's on-going. I see a world where we can all work together to find solutions and create a world that we can be proud to bring our children into. A world that strives to create balance, peace, and space for all beings. A world that acknowledges that we are all interconnected and what happens to one of us, happens to us all.

Please see the documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth, and lets unite to face and find creative solutions to the pressing challenges and concerns of a planet that is warming at accelerated and off the chart speeds. The film has a website where we can learn more ways to be a part of positive change, This film is presented by Al Gore, but this problem of global warming should transcend any political allegiances.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Canyon de Chelly, Chinle