Marvelous Megan: Bringing Health & Beauty to the World
Marvelous Megan, I like the ring of that! Yes, and I definitely strive to bring more health and beauty into the world, but what I'm actually writing about is one of the best finds in Boulder, MIGUN. Although, I am a find too, but this is a little different. However, our names are pronounced the same. MIGUN, is a far infrared massage bed. On a massage level Migun is no competition for the healing,human touch and massage practice I can provide with so much love and care. Powerful though is the combination of the far infrared, the jade stones, and the mechanical massage on a Migun bed, it creates a unique healing opportunity for the body, that I highly recommend experiencing. The first session I received was nice, I felt very relaxed, but later that night, WOW!, I felt the energy of the far-infrared in my body, and it was very amazing and healing. What's even more amazing is that you can receive free, unlimited Migun sessions at 1909 Broadway, suite 100, that's b'tween Walnut & Pearl. Rebecca Browning is the owner of Migun in Boulder, and their website is You can buy Migun beds and other far-infrared products there or just go in as many times as you like and experience Migun. It's really a wonderful service that Ms. Browning offers the community. She encourages people to come in and enjoy Migun beds as much as they need and want for their health and well being, and to spread the word about the beds and service she provides. Try it out, and let me know what you think about Marvelous Megan's!