Stone Soup
What is a manifestation or a creation but an idea or thought that has taken form and shape. The form and shapes, although appearing solid and real are actually energy in motion, and are constantly changing, moving, and transforming. I find these realities very comforting when I'm down, to know that the feeling I'm currently experiencing is temporary. Once I realize my states are transitional, and that my thoughts and ideas are the precursors to all that manifests in my life, life gets very interesting. I get to choose how I feel and to think and dream and imagine my world any way I like, and what's more interesting is my world shifts and changes to each of my ideas. In the Abraham teachings, it is said that one of the reasons we are here on the leading edge of thought, is to experience the contrast of the world, and joyfully direct the manifestations of the universe with our thoughts, desires, wants, and ideas. In that way we can continually evolve and grow in ways that are most pleasing to us. However, it is very easy to get caught in the contrast, and forget that we are creators, and co-creators with the universe.
I'm not sure about you but I want to create the world of my dreams. Since I know that every thought, every feeling, every emotion, every desire, every wish of mine are ingredients that create my reality, and that I tend to dream bigger and feel better when I'm happy, happiness therefore becomes my goal no matter where I am in the plethora of feelings found in my world. Happiness becomes my goal because I like to see my dreams manifest, and I know that if I stay a long time in feelings and moods that aren't suited to my dreams, then soon my dreams will take on those shades of ill tended thoughts. The best way I have discovered to refocus when I get too tied to the dramas of my life is to begin with undivided attention to think about what I do want, how I want to feel, things that would make me feel the way I want to feel, and so on. Another awesome tool is to write down everything you want, dream, and desire, so that what we want is easily accessible at all times, and like divine first class passengers on a river we are constantly enjoying the views of our creations, recreating, and moving towards our dreams. If we are not enjoying our creations, simply knowing that everything is constantly changing on this life's river is helpful, and so deliver your request how you'd like life to be because the view does change as your ideas change. Keep imagining beautiful ingredients, the most perfect ingredients, going into the cauldron that is your life, and soon you'll have the best stone soup in the world! For those of you who don't know the stone soup story, here is my rendition:
There once was a man passing through a town very hungry but he had no food or money, so he decided to make some stone soup. He set up a large kettle right in the center of town and got busy. People slowly started gathering around asking him what he was up to, "stone soup" he replied. They had never heard of stone soup before. "How do you make stone soup?" they asked. "Well," said the man, "I'm going to need some carrots for this stone soup." One lady replied, " I have carrots, I'll go get some." Another person asked, "What else is in stone soup?" "Let's see said the man, potatoes, yes, I'll need potatoes." "I have potatoes volunteered one man, I'll be right back." Soon most of the villagers were excitedly gathering every ingredient this man could think of for his stone soup. One person brought beans, one brought broccoli, one brought salt, etc. Whatever the man decided he needed to make stone soup that day it arrived. Not only that, but it was the best soup, stone soup, that he and these villagers had ever tasted.
Any dream is possible, dream big, because life will deliver. What do you want to create while we are here on the brink of the universe? Stone soup is a great recipe for any occasion.