Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The High Road

On one chaotic stormy day I found myself trying to find peace of mind. Fear and doubt were creeping in to my mind in a steady stream of forces. I was pulling out all of my life tools to find a way out of the muck. I was praying for help and guidance. I was diligently monitoring every thought and transforming negative thoughts to positive ones. I was doing everything I could to make myself feel better, but my energy level was so depleted that day, it was a challenge just to maintain status quo or much less dream about things that bring me joy. However, I was committed to getting out of the clutches of this self made and energy draining vortex.

When a friend mentioned going to Rocky National Park with another friend, I said lets go. I knew that being outside in nature and with friends on their own soul journey could only alleviate my mood and uplift me. Our goal was the top of one of the mountain peaks. We got as high as we could on that winter of a day. On the air, and as clear as a bell, on the side of that mountain, with a raven flying high above, I heard, "Dedicate yourself to taking the high road." Simple words that alter the course and direction of life. We took the high road back home. A road full of hope, miracles, magic, creativity, beauty, love, joy, inspiration, and all things good. The whole universe conspires to make you feel better on this road. What helped me most that day when I decided to dedicate myself to the high road was that the internal struggle ended. The path was clear, were taking the high route, there's no energy for other life draining lessons. A light appeared, and a way out of the darkness. It is true the high road travels in all directions, but on the high road you can trust even when you're covered in soot and the future looks bleak, that relief is coming, that your life will only get better and better, because you're committed to making your self feel better. You're on the high road, alive, conscious, and making choices, moment to moment, that enrich and uplift you.

What does it mean to be dedicated to the high road? First, you must trust with all your heart that every situation is going to work out for the best. It will work out for the best because when you're dedicated to taking the high road you are always choosing the best solution. You are choosing positively all the time. Choices that are going to make you feel better. Second, you must go in the direction the high road flows. The high road is our divine path. Everything that we want or dream of is nourishment for our heart & soul and can be found on the path of the high road. Look for what you want to see happen. Then find miracles. Find love. Find inspiration. Find happiness. Find hope. Find beauty. Find joy. Find yourself on the high road smiling, through the tears, or no matter what is temporarily happening in this life that is always changing. Know that the change happening is going to be good and for your betterment. Remember the high road is expansive, and only gets better and better. Lastly, and most importantly, is to follow the wisdom of your heart. The high road is nourished by the heart & always leads back to new levels of heart, healing, and discovery. Trust the wants and desires of your heart, follow them until you find a solution that tickles your heart and makes it happy. Know that your heart's desire is on its way to you right now. Be open to the magic of the high road.

On the high road there's no room for doubt. You must believe in yourself. You must love yourself. You must trust yourself. You must want to create the world of your heart, your dreams, and your soul, but be flexible and adaptable enough to know that dreams are always changing and new desires are always being born. You must dedicate yourself to being happy. See you on the high roads!

“When I drink tea it’s very pleasant to be aware I am drinking cloud.” - Thich Nhat Hanh