Friday, February 22, 2008

The Rainbow Chakras

This is the Rainbow Chakra Meditation to open, cleanse, and heal the major chakras of the body, inviting more light into our lives, and assisting us in becoming luminous beings. This meditation is an excerpt from a book of guided meditations I'm writing titled, Body Electra: The Codes to a Luminous Being. If you'd like to be the publisher of this gem of a treasure house, please contact me :)

Rainbow Chakra Meditation

The chakras are energy centers within our body that connect us to the whole of the universe. When we become overly focused in the physical body or in the traps of the mind that thinks it's the Master, we close our connections to the energies that sustain us. It is our Soul and Pure Source Energy that create the body and mind. It is only natural to open to the worlds of energy that are all around us and to discover who we really are as Souls and as Divine Beings of energy, light, and vibration. We are beings of light having a physical experience. The invitation is to play, to find ways to express the gifts of our soul through our body and into the world. This meditation will provide tools so that you may channel more of who you are into the world. There are seven major chakras associated with the body, the 8th chakra is considered the Soul, and there are energy levels within our Bodies and Soul that connect directly to Pure Source Energy. We will activate and cleanse each of the chakras to enable us to experience our deep connection to the Earth as well as to Soul and Source. Then we will explore ways of using this rainbow of energy and star light within us to manifest our heart's desires.

Create sacred space for yourself where you can lie down. Begin by filling your whole body with breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Then bring your attention and breath to your spine. Feel your tail bone and your sacrum at the base of the spine, and then travel up your spine through the lower, middle, and upper backs, to your neck, and up through the brain to the crown of your head. This is the pathway to the major chakras of the body that we will be exploring in this meditation.

Imagine your tail bone extending down, down to the magnanimous and pulsating heart of the golden rose-red core of the Mother Earth. Bring the Mother Earth's love and light up through the crusts of the Earth and up through your spine to the crown of your head, and release the vibrant love from the Earth into the aura of energy that surrounds you in your energy field... Take a few moments to experience channeling the love of the Earth up your body and spine to the energy field and bubble around you...

The Earth Chakras

The first three chakras we will be exploring relate to the Mother Earth and our relationship to her. The first major chakra in the body is located around the sacrum area. It is our connection to the Earth and reveals our relationship to love, abundance, healthy exuberance, our home, roots, diversity, and foundational strengths. Imagine a star glowing a little above and at the center of your sacrum. From the front of your body, going in a counter clockwise direction, spiral down with your mind to this star at the base of your first chakra. Feel the light of this star fill your first chakra... Now with your mind, begin to weave upward in a clockwise direction through your chakra a red healing energy emitting from this star light. Cleansing and healing as you spiral upward through the chakra. As you spiral outside your body, the red light becomes a red orb that rests right above the chakra and your body. Feel the light of the star activate the red orb charging it with bright red energy and love. When the first chakra feels healthy and strong, send a little thank you to the Mother Earth. Bring a little of the energy from this inner star light to the heart core of the Earth as gratitude for the healing and new connections. Feel the Mother Earth respond with a great love back to you... If your star in the first chakra feels low on energy bring the light of the Earth into this chakra and feel it charged.

The second chakra is located a couple inches beneath our navel. The second chakra integrates the energies of the first and third chakras. The second chakra reveals our physical relationship to love in the world through our emotions and sexuality and beyond to peace. There is a star that shines just above the spine in the area of this second chakra. Spiral counter clockwise down to this star like you did with the first chakra. Feel the light of this star, and let it shine up through your second chakra. Then slowly begin to weave in a clockwise direction an orange healing light from this star up your second chakra. Cleansing the chakra with this orange light as you spiral up and out of the body. Imagine the light forming an orange orb that rests right above the red orb of the first chakra. Connect the star light to this orange orb and feel your second chakra cleansed and healed. I invite you to begin to exchange star light between the chakras and the Earth. You can bring light from this second chakra star to the star of the first chakra and down to the heart of the Earth. If the star energy of this second chakra is low bring light from the Earth to the star, or if the first chakra is strong bring a little of the star light from the first chakra to the second. Begin to balance these star light energies within you in this way.

The third chakra is located in the abdominal space above your navel and beneath the front center of your rib cage. This chakra reveals the state of your relationship to well being, goodness, and the sweetness of love in the world. This chakra's color is yellow. I invite you to travel into this chakra in a counter clockwise way, activate the star light of the chakra by feeling its energy, and then weave the golden yellow light up the chakra until it forms a yellow orb above and aligned with the orbs of the first and second chakras. Connect the yellow orb to the star light and feel the chakra pulse a beautiful golden yellow, your inner sun. Now placing your attention on the third chakra star, feel the energy of the star, and begin balancing and exchanging the energies between the first three charka stars until they all feel equally bright and in harmony. You can always draw support from the love energy at the core of the Earth for the strengthening of the chakras or gift the Earth with heartful gratitude some of your star light for this divine balancing of the chakras too.

The Heart Chakra

Our heart chakra located deep to our physical heart and in front of our spine, integrates and expresses the energies and gifts of the Earth and Spirit through our hearts into the world. It reveals how well we are honoring our heart and all of who we are in the world. The color of the heart chakra is green. I invite you to activate this chakra like you did with the first three chakras. Travel into the chakra counter clockwise, feel the star of the chakra, weave a healing green light clockwise up and through the chakra until it forms a green orb outside the body, above the heart, and aligned with the first 3 chakra orbs... Connect the energy of the star to the green orb and feel the green orb vibrate a wonderful and healthy color. Then balance the energies of all four chakra stars. If the heart star is strong it is nice to gift the Mother Earth with some of our heart star light too.

The Spirit Chakras

The next three and last of the seven major chakras of the body relate to our relationship to the spirit world. We will activate them in the same way we have with the first four chakras, and then begin balancing all the star lights of the seven chakras.

The fifth chakra is located in front of the spine in the throat region. It reveals how well we are expressing the gifts of our soul into the world. The color of the chakra is a rich blue found in the sky. Connect with this chakra star, weave the healing blue light up the chakra and to the outside of your body forming a healthy blue colored orb above the throat and aligned with the other orbs.... Then balance this chakra's star light with the other 4 chakras stars we've activated.

The sixth chakra is a star in the center of the brain where the pineal gland is located and proceeds out the screen of our pitutiary gland. This is the third eye chakra. This chakra reveals how well we integrate into a singular vision the physical and the spiritual world. The color of this chakra is baby blue or indigo color. Activate this chakra star in the center of the brain, feel it glow, weave the healing and cleansing indigo light up through your pitutiary gland, third eye, and outside your body to form an indigo colored orb that is aligned with the other chakras... Transfer and balance this chakra's star light with the other 5 chakra stars.

The seventh chakra is a star at the crown of our heads. It reveals how open we are to the world of Spirit, our Soul, and pure Source energy. The color of the seventh chakra is violet. I like to imagine that this star forms a beautiful white and violet flower at the top of our heads. When this flower opens it gives and receives information to and from the world of spirit. Connect to the star light at the top of your head, and as you activate this star with your intention, imagine weaving a beautiful white and violet light up and through the petals of a beautiful flower that grows from and out the crown of your head. In India some of the Gods and Goddesses have 1,ooo petaled lotus flowers on their crowns, representing their rich communication with the Great Spirit. As you weave this violet and white light all sediment and heavier energies clear from the petals of your flower. Spiral this light energy up and out your flower to form a multi-directional violet orb above your head. Charge this orb with the light from this chakra star, feel the orb glow a healthy violet color. Balance the seventh chakra star with the other six chakra stars...The seventh chakra connects to the 8th chakra your Soul and to Pure Source Energy. I invite you through the star light of your seventh chakra to connect to the light of your Soul and to the heart light of pure Source energy. Then bring the light from the Soul and Source to the other chakras and Earth, harmonizing and bridging your being in whole new energetic ways to the Earth and Spirit.

The Magic of Rainbows

Once the bridge of light has been activated within you, it is fun to play with the different vibrations of rainbow colors we emit. A friend of mine, Gemma Lockhart, taught me how rainbows are doorways, openings. This is a meditation to charge our chakras with rainbow light, and to use the magic of rainbows to heal, activate, and create openings in our lives for magic and spirit to enter for the highest good of all.

Imagine a cleansing rain has just washed and healed your body. The sun is now peaking out from the empty white clouds urging you to engage again. To highlight the enchantment of play and love between the waters and the sun, the healing and the light, a beautiful and brightly painted rainbow blesses the sky above you. The rainbow has a gift for you. Travel up to this rainbow, align your back to the rainbow, and become one with the rainbow. Feel the the colors of the rainbow pass through, charging, and healing your corresponding chakras and orbs of the same color within you. You are a rainbow. You are magic. You are an opening for the gifts of your Soul and the gifts of the Great Spirit to enter into the world. Listen to your heart as the rainbow communicates to you in area in your life where you can bring a rainbow...Thank the living energy of this rainbow for this spiritual experience. When you have returned to your newly activated rainbow body, I invite you to use your rainbow chakra orbs of light to direct a rainbow to the area of your life that was revealed in the meditation. Imagine the rainbow in the area and know that Spirit now weaves its healing magic into the situation. You may experience the shift right away or in a couple days. I invite you also to charge areas of your body, your aura, and your energy bubble with rainbow light. You are rainbow energy now and may use this energy to bless all areas of your body, life, and world...

A Rainbow Soul Cleanse for the Past

This is a cleanse to heal our pasts. Align your chakras from the front with the beloved energy of the Rainbow. Allow the energy of the Rainbow to flow from the front of your body into your back and into your past. Ask the beloved energy of the Rainbow to heal, cleanse, and transform all the heavier energies of your Life and Soul. Feel this healing happenning now... You may invite the magic healing powers of the Rainbow to travel all the way back to the birth of your Soul. Allow your Soul to enlighten and transform as the Rainbow Light travels through your past and places blessings and seeds of colored magic in all areas of your Soul. When you have received this Divine Rainbow Healing of your past, thank and give love to the beloved energy of the Rainbow for this very special healing gift.

Daily Chakra Star Activations

It is wise to cleanse, heal, and communicate with your chakras on a daily basis. You might not have time on a daily basis to do the full cleanse with the colors we did above, so here is a quick chakra check-in. Connect to the heart of the Earth, connect with each of the chakra stars up the bridge of your body, connect with your 8th chakra: your Soul, and connect with the heart of the Source of all of Life. Feel each of your seven major body chakra stars and balance them with each other, draw on the Earth, your Soul, and Source if you need extra support and light in a chakra star. When each of the chakra stars are balanced and shining equally bright so are you, a nice way to begin a moment or a day or a lifetime of harmony.

Another quick and easy, daily re-charge for the chakras is to imagine aligning with a rainbow and letting the magical rainbow colors pass through your chakras from back to front activating and healing them with its light. This is great when you need a rainbow boost in your life.

Mantra for the Rainbow Chakras: Colors of the beloved Rainbow please heal, cleanse, and magically transform all areas of my Life & Soul.

****I want to gratefully acknowledge that this chakra meditation has been inspired by a whole community of beings, but especially the works of Alberto Villoldo, Doreen Virtue, and Dr. Zhi Gang Sha.****

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Upcoming Events of the Spiritual Nature

Hi Friends,

Spring must be close, there is definately a quickening of energy, lights, and ideas in my life, and I hope in yours too. There are two new events that I will be offering to help facilitate our transitions into Luminous beings. The first will be a monthly energy series beginning March 18th and the second is a Reiki class called "Opening the Doorways".

March 18th, 7-9 pm: First you will receive an energy rite to activate your hands to healing energy. This first series is on the chakras, the wheels of light in our body that connect us to life. We will cleanse them and heal them which will allow us to bring more rainbow light, magic, and harmony to our whole beings. For those of you going to Peru with me, I highly recommend that you come to these events to help prepare for our spiritual journey. Please RSVP if you would like to attend. Love donations will be accepted.

April 12th, 10am to 5pm, $85: I will be teaching a Reiki workshop called Opening the Doorways. You will be initiated into the energy rites of Reiki I and II. We will learn ways to channel the healing energies of Reiki into all aspects of our lives. On April 21 from 7-9 pm we will have a follow up group Reiki session to share our experiences and to practice our Reiki gifts. If you'd like to participate in this class please RSVP by March 3rd.

A reminder of upcoming events:

March 8th, 10am-3pm, $150: Sacred Geometries class with Lani Flemming of the Mystery School. Please RSVP as soon as possible for this class. It is being held at Caritas Spiritist Center.

March 8th, 7pm - 9pm: A talk by Lani about activating our DNA to the full 22 strands. The event will be held at the Caritas Spiritist Center, $10 suggested donations. Lani will be available for healings and DNA activations, sessions are $85

March 9th, 10am-2pm, $50: Lani will be giving an introduction to the teachings of the Rocky Mt. Mystery School. This will be a beginning step to becoming initiated into the practices of the mystery school. I would like to have Lani back in the Summer to initiate and teach DNA activations, so if you're interested in taking upcoming classes to give DNA activations this class will start us on our way. Please RSVP for this class as soon as possible. It is being held at the Caritas Spiritist Center.

Shamanic Journey to Peru June 16 -26, $1500: This is a journey guided by the spirits of the Inka to birth our Souls and interact in whole new ways with the living energy of the world. Come fly with us to the Condor land of the heart, the home of Inkas, shamans, and Q'ero. Visit for the exciting details of this spiritual journey.

Thank you everyone for your support and inspiration. I hope we'll see each other soon at these events.

Rainbows, hearts, blessings, and LOVE,


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Waters of Our Blood

This a journey to cleanse, heal, and activate our blood to the energies of love and light.

The Waters of Our Blood: A Meditation

Begin by bringing your attention to the water element that is in your body. Feel the water in the cellular lakes of your body.... Feel the movement of the water, the inner rivers, flowing throughout your body, nourishing those cellular bodies that make up the physical you.... Feel the ocean of your heart as it inhales and exhales the life force and blood like a rushing waterfall to your whole body....

Imagine being one of the cells of your blood, and visualize being in the heart area of your body. It is a very active place, but you feel this calming, blue light energy fill the blood cell that is really you. You notice that this blue light energy connects you to the water all over the Earth.... You travel as this cell of fluid through waterfalls, lakes, rivers, to the mighty womb of creation, the ocean. In the ocean the strength of the blue light energy increases. You follow towards the source of this blue light. This blue light feels like a combination of the vibrations of love and light. You discover that the blue light is coming from the dolphins and whales of the ocean. They emit this love and light to the world. You are attracted to the blue light and the vibrations of love streaming out the eyes of one of the whales. The light shows you that the eyes of the whales are really doorways. Guided by the energy of the blue light surrounding you, you enter the eye of the whale, and find that you are flowing quickly through the element of water into other dimensions. ..

You are approaching another planet.... Your inner guide tells you this is where dolphins and whales come from.... You notice a blue light field around this planet, a planet that appears to be almost all water. To enter you align your vibrations with the blue light field around the planet. You become one with this healing blue light, and pass through. The pure vibrations of this planet nourish your whole being. There is a feeling of only positive love and light here.... A vision of water goes on for as far as the eye can see in any direction and is interrupted only by a few giant white crystals the size of castles that protrude from the waters. You are drawn to one of the crystals that seems very activated and alive.

You rest on the crystal and begin connecting your heart to the heart of the crystal. You send love to the crystal and you feel the crystal respond to you. You are transported inside to the depths of the crystal. You find yourself in a red crystal chamber. Again you connect your heart to the heart of the red crystals, and you feel a joyful exchange of energies. You are told this planet is the guardian of the element of water. It is a place that honors the sacred waters of life. The dolphins and whales are the angels of the waters and anchor love and light here in their beings, as they do for the Planet Earth too. You are told the waters here are charged with the healing powers of the crystals and the pure energies of the dolphins and whales. You are in a room that is especially created to heal the waters of the body, the blood.

You are guided to allow all your blood cells to flow from your body into the cells of this crystal room.... Even though your blood is out of your body, you feel it being charged and activated by the crystals with positive energies.... You're asked to pray out loud for the cleansing and the healing of your blood....The energies in the room and the cells of your blood mingle and begin to swirl around you.... The songs of dolphins and whales can be heard echoing in the chamber and touching your whole being with love... You exhale, and on the next inhale, your blood enters your body through your skin, all of your blood cells return and you're complete. You take a few moments and feel the health of the cleansed blood course through your body.... When you open your eyes, the crystal has become transparent revealing that you're beneath the water, and you see that a group of whales and smiling dolphins have supported this healing and surround you on the outside of the crystal. You open your heart and connect and commune with them. You express your thanks to this whole planet for the healing experience you have received....

One of the whales begins to speak through your heart to you. Bubbles of beautiful blue light energy are placed in your heart. You're asked as you travel back home through the waters to your body, "to share this blue light energy by simply keeping it in your heart. It will radiate from your heart blessing the waters of your planet and your blood on a continous basis. You can charge and magnify this inner blue light energy by connecting with us through your heart and thoughts, and by connecting to vibrations of love and light the whales and dolphins in the waters of Earth hold. It is a great honor to have this experience of heart and healing with you. When you're ready my eye is a portal that will bring you back to the ocean of the Earth. Remember, dear one, to shine the lights of your heart wherever you go, all darkness will be dispelled." With a heart of gratitude for this very special place, you pass through the crystal and enter as spirit through the eye of the whale, and quickly like going down a very slippery water slide through space and time, you're back in the depths of the ocean of Earth.

Whales and dolphins surround you here too. You radiate your blue light to them and they magnify it back to you. With a happy heart you begin your journey back to your body blessing the earth waters as you go with new love and light. Soon you're back in your body. Take a few moments to feel the blue lights in your heart and the healthy blood circulating to and nourishing each of you cells....When you're ready go get a glass of water, and connect the water with the pure, blue light energy in your heart, feel the water being charged with this healing energy. When you drink the water imagine the healing energy and blue light going to your whole being, supporting the healing proccess and the cleansing of your blood that has occured today.

Mantra of the Blood: My blood is healthy, energized, and flowing in loving oneness with all the waters of life.