The Visioning Process
Tonight I listened to a tele-conference with Dr. Zhi Gang Sha and his guest Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith who spoke about the visioning process of our Soul. They each delivered powerful teachings, and some of what was given tonight I thought that you might enjoy too.
Rev. Michael spoke about the shift from visualizing to visioning. Visualizing is the beginning of understanding the laws of the universe and manifestation. Where we place our energies is what we are manifesting in our lives. When we visualize and harmonize our vibrations to what we want that visualization manifests.
He invited us to step to another level into visioning. Visioning is with the Soul and Source energy. Visioning is unprecedented, it's nothing you can imagine on your own, it's being dreamed on the leading edge of creation. He talked about the importance of the questions we are asking in our lives. To be visioning with the Soul ask the right questions. The Universe will answer every question. He cautioned that if you're asking the Universe, "Why does this keep happening to me, I'm always left out (or whatever complaint or victim iding it is)?" Then the universe by law will answer your question by giving you more of being left out, so that you can understand why it keeps happening to you, thus answering your question.
Dr. Sha suggests relaxing our emotions and our minds and step into the soul. Rev. Michael invites surrounding ourselves in the All there is unconditional love of the Universe, and asking the Universe from the Soul level these empowering questions:
1.) What am I seeking as a Soul to emerge in my life?
2.) What is it I must become to manifest this vision in my life?
3.) What must I let go of?
4.) What gifts and talents do I have that I can use to manifest this vision?
He stressed the importance of the sacred yes to the vision, the willingness to become your vision, and have immense gratitude to the Universe for everything in our lives is a gift.
He felt there are four levels of operating reality: 1.) Victim reality (Id'ing ourselves as victims 2.) Manifest reality (beginning to wake up and understand the nature & laws of the universe) 3.) Through Us reality ( that's the visioning process channeled through us) 4.) As Us Reality (We are God or Source). Responding to a question how to shift from Victim to Manifest reality, Rev. Michael said they are three keys to doing that: 1.) Give up blaming yourself and others 2.)Unconditional forgiveness of yourself and others 3.) Ask empowering questions
The invitation is to ask empowering questions to your Soul & to the Universe. They will be answered. Who are you as a Soul? What are your Soul gifts? How can your Soul grow? Relax the mind and ask the vision of your Soul to manifest...........
Smiles & Blessings.
Dr. Rev. Michael has a 6 or 8 cd collection that he has just released on the visioning process. It can be bought at his web address below or on amazon .com
I also want to clarify that above is just my casual interpretation and translation of what I heard at the tele-conference, and I suggest for a more accurate, elaborate, and detailed picture and understanding of the visioning process to go to Dr. Rev. Michaels materials directly.
Website links:
Dr. Zhi Gang Sha
Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith:
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