"Shake hands with the NOW"
The invitation is to begin to love the present moment more than anything else your egoic mind can create. To choose to reside in the present moment means to begin the end of suffering. It may seem like an effort at first to re-train the egoic mind to stay in the now, but our minds learn fast, and soon the present state of being becomes natural.
When we are in tune with the now anything can happen, but one thing is certain if we tune in enough to the present moment we will become joyful and we will awaken. We will end the suffering that ensues from living reality from the point of the egoic mind. When we reside in the present moment we're living reality from the point of Soul & Spirit. Every time we check into the present moment we create a sacred space of oneness for the divine to be here, and we help facilitate the great shift of consciousness that is occurring. It is a blessing and honor to assist our divinity in this way, enjoy all the gifts from being in the moment that are bestowed.
The world is magical and everything in life is manageable from the present moment, everything. There is no stress in the present moment because we're now referring from a new level of reality, one of Soul & Spirit. On those levels all is perfect as it is right this very moment, and we are perfect and complete right this very moment. Take a breath, awaken to this moment, release the past and the future, and dwell now. Find the magic. Find the divinity. Find the well being. Find the inner happiness. Find your Soul. Find the Source of it all. It's available to us every moment, right now, all the tools are within us. Every moment, every breath, every feeling, is an opportunity to shift our consciousness from the confines of the egoic mind to the worlds of the Soul & Spirit. What is keeping us from being awake and luminous beings? If we get tired of the spinning wheels of the ego, we can always say "hello" and shake hands with the ever present, omniscient, and loving NOW. Another invitation is to birth who we really are as a Soul & Spirit, and to BE the change we've wanted to see here. Be love. Be peace. Be oneness. Or Be whatever wonderful and unique gifts that are in your Soul to Be expressed in this perfect NOW.
I must say I'm greatly inspired and grateful for the living presence and works of Eckhart Tolle. He's a shining example of the new consciousness being born here on Earth. Some of his books and DVD's include: The Power of Now, Flowering of Human Consciousness (DVD), and A New Earth.
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