Saturday, March 29, 2008

Soul Power! Spirit Power!

Recently, I was taking a class and our teacher invited us to explore and apply the word non-suffering to our lives. Non-suffering. It's huge. How many times do we allow ourselves to suffer through out the day? And an even bigger question, why? Perhaps we have forgotten we have choice moment to moment. Suffering takes many shapes and forms. It can be a thought that plagues us, an emotion, it can live in our inner or outer body. Becoming super aware of when we start to pick up the weights and heavy energy of suffering, and instead placing those weights of suffering aside, and choosing a more empowering direction is liberating. Knowing we can do so is liberating. In essence, suffering is a choice each of us makes. Becoming conscious of when we are choosing to suffer is the turning point of the tide. Suffering limits and constricts us, and is a tool that keeps us engaged in a mind dominated world of affairs.

However and luckily, we are beings of Soul and Spirit and have a myriad of other options, really infinite options, available to us. Realizing we are more than the suffering of our minds is a first step. Experiencing who we really are as Soul & Spirit will help us navigate through any challenge the mind could ever present. The invitation is to align with your Soul, with your God-Consciousness: Unconditional Love, Joy, and Happiness. What is keeping you from Unconditional Love, Joy and Happiness, and is it worth it? There will always be a choice, to suffer or not, which will you choose? If you decide to suffer, who benefits? Your ego may benefit for you get to complain to the world, poor me, look how much I suffer, but if it's love and attention you seek, why not go to the Source of love and attention and fill yourself?

We are surrounded by Pure Love, Joy, and Happiness. The more we choose to feel this stream of Love that pervades and is one with all there is, the less likely we are to choose ways of being that no longer serve us. The next time the cloak of suffering begins to wrap its coils of darkness around you, what if you say, "that's ok", but I think I'm going to experience being Unconditionally Happy this time, dawn this garment for a while? What's it like to be Unconditionally Happy? To Love yourself and others Unconditionally? Non-suffering lightens our being, and allows us to experience higher vibrations of who we really are, and to express the gifts of our Souls on Earth. Now that you should see! Our mind power is impressive, but Soul Power stretches universes of wisdom and beyond, touching wing to wing with the Creator of it all. Suffering is an opportunity to choose the power and gifts of your Soul & Spirit.

Soul Power! Spirit Power!