All Is Perfect
This is an invitation to shift into the field of awareness that all is perfect as it is right this very moment. Let go, even if it's just for a few moments, all your worldly concerns and dramas of the mind, no matter how engaging. Allow this state of ultimate perfection to fill and nourish your being. Allow your mind and emotions to rest in the perfection of this moment. Allow your body to bask in this healthy energy field. All is well and you can reside more and more in this field of awareness anytime you wish by choosing and setting your intention to do so. In this field of perfection you can experience who you are as a Soul, as a perfect divine being connected to the Creator of it all. Practice this exercise when you're stressed, when your emotions are running wild, or when you want to rejuvenate your being to its natural harmony. Practice living in this state of perfection.
You're one with the Source that creates, sustains, and moves in perfect harmony all the energy of the Cosmos and more. Settle into this awareness. Open your doors to this perfection. Open your doors to this field of Unconditional Love and Oneness. Open your doors to this Cosmic Intelligence that is beyond the description of words. We have access to so many gifts beyond the comprehension of our physical minds. However, if we are not at peace with the perfection of this present moment there will be no one home to accept the divine gifts that pervade around us and that are instrumental for our Soul's growth. Our minds will be too engaged with worldly things that we can never take with us on our Soul's Journey & a great opportunity will be missed. Who are you beyond this existence? What is your Soul purpose on Earth? Where will you go when your body dies and when your small mind that is filled with all this culture and earthly information dies? It is really nice to be able to touch base with the Soul now, and it is easy and possible to do when the mind rests in the perfect order of all things.
Taking moments to breathe, to realize the beauty, diversity, and perfection that are within and surrounding us every moment with such Great Love, are ways to enjoy the divine treasures that our Soul came to Earth to witness and experience. Take a deep breath and experience the Perfection.
I'd like to acknowledge my friend Linda Campbell and the teachings of Eckhart Tolle on the Flowering of Human Consciousness for igniting my Soul to new experiences and wisdom that inspired me to write these words above.
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