Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cultivating & Creating Beauty Project

Calling all helping hands to join our Cultivating & Creating Beauty Project!

I feel more than ever that this is a New Year to get completely involved in the creation of our dreams & do our part everyday to create and move steadily towards those dreams and our visions of creating a Heaven on Earth. I recently was very inspired by an article I read that mentioned an interview on CNN with Ted Turner. Mr. Turner in this interview spoke of one simple act that he does everyday & that we each could do that would help clean up the environment. The simple act is picking up one piece of trash from our streets each day. I have been moved to beautify my life and streets and thought you'd like to also join me too in a Cultivating & Creating Beauty Project, but I increased the ante since we have two hands.

This is an invitation and opportunity for all of us to help increase the world's beauty with a simple act steadily done each day. The daily commitment is twofold, the first part is to find beauty in the world everyday, see it, appreciate it, sing its praises, call it beauty, & bless the beauty you see in your life in all its magnificent God forms. The second part is to help foster and nourish beauty in the world by picking up two pieces of garbage each day, one piece of "garbage creating beauty" for each hand, and then dispose it appropriately knowing you made the world more beautiful today. I recommend that you choose a beautiful item that will remind of your sacred commitment each day to relish in beauty and pick up two items destined for recycling.

Please let me know if you can commit to participating with us each day. I will keep track of our growing numbers. Please share stories of how beauty is growing in your life & any other related gifts that will inspire and nourish the Cultivating & Creating Beauty Project. Send to:

This is a sweet creating beauty affirmation to pray and then meditate upon:

"Dearest Spirit, I am grateful for this beauty I see and feel in my life, thank you. May beauty increase!"