Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Law of Attraction: Spiritual Brunch

Our monthly vegan pot-luck spiritual brunch is about to happen again this coming Sunday, April Fools, from 10am to 12pm. The movie I ordered from Jerry & Esther Hicks, Law of Attraction in Action has arrived, so perhaps we can watch some of that & be inspired. Hope to see you there!

Body Balance

I'm really excited to be offering a product that I feel promotes health and wellness, and it's from a company that I feel is full of integrity and inspiration. My energy level has increased dramatically since I started using Body Balance, and I have only heard endless stories of people who have been blessed with benefits and optimum health by using Body Balance regularly. The company, Life Force, has 14 other health products too. If you'd like to join me in experiencing the beautiful medicine of Body Balance, that is a combination of the inner leaf of the aloa vera plant & 9 sea vegetables pruned from artic sea plants and so much more really, contact me, and we'll get you started.
You can also order the product independently by visiting:
You can use my lifeforce id #, 20637658, to place the order, my number is also listed on the website address above. Please contact me, Megan Living Stone, inlivingspirit@, 720-284-4986, if you have questions or if you'd like to become a distributer.
Here's to Health and Wellbeing all the Time.
PS: The most cost effective way to order Body Balance is to buy an 8- pack.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Feldenkrais Classes

My dear friend Erin Ferguson is a guild certified Feldenkrais practitioner and teacher. She has just moved to Boulder, opened a private practice, and has begun to offer some wonderful upcoming Feldenkrais classes. Her website and flyer information is posted below. Please pass this on to anyone who may benefit, there are very few Feldenkrais practitioners in Boulder so we are blessed to have her.

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Saturday Morning Awareness Through Movement (ATM) Classes in Boulder
Give yourself a break on a Saturday morning.
Feel refreshed and alive, focused and balanced. All are welcome.

Date: Saturdays, April 7, 21, May 5, & June 2
Time: 9:30am & 11:00am
Cost: $15 each or $20 for two
Location: see workshops below

Saturday Afternoon Awareness Through Movement Workshops
Time: 1:00-5:00pm
Cost: $65 each or $100 in advance for two
April 7th : Easing Back Pain With a Flexible Spine
April 21st: Comfortable Hip Joints (especially good for people who meditate or anyone who wants to sit with stability)
May 5th: Highly Sensitive People & the Body
June 2nd: Working With Anxiety

Location for workshops and Saturday drop-in classes: 3990 Broadway at Quince Street in North Boulder next to Lucky’s Supermarket. Climb the stairs above Village Video and enter through door marked "Center for Authentic Movement".
ATM Classes on Mondays and Thursdays
Thursdays: beginning April 26, for six weeks, 6:30-7:30pm
Mondays: beginning May 14, for six weeks, 6:30-7:30pm
Cost: $15 to drop in or $72 in advance for all six
Location: Solstice Institute, 302 Pearl Street @ 3rd, small studio. Enter on 3rd. Class size limited to 9.

Each Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) lesson is an experiential exploration of movement, breath, muscle tone, and skeletal alignment. In Awareness Through Movement you are verbally guided through a series of gentle movements that explore how you move and carry yourself. The aim is to bring awareness to your habitual neuromuscular patterns, increasing your sensitivity and giving you options for new ways of moving. No movement experience necessary. The lessons are designed to be non-judgmental, noncompetitive and self-directed so that you progress at your own pace. Wear loose clothing and bring your curiosity and open awareness.

All lessons taught by Erin Ferguson, guild certified Feldenkrais practitioner. See for more information about the method and my background.

Call 720.284.4306 or email erin@bodywisdomboulder with any questions or to register.

Private Functional Integration® lessons by appointment.

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The Feldenkrais Method
Erin Ferguson, GCFP
720 284 4306

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Two Monks & A Woman

I remembered a story yesterday that I perhaps read a decade ago, and I wanted to share it here. It was interesting that it popped in my head after so long of time. I think I first read the story in a Lama Surya Das book, but it might have been shared with me from another source.

It goes like this, there are two monks traveling on a long walking journey. As monks they have vowed not to have physical contact with women. As they approach a deep and rapidly moving river, a woman comes to them, and asks if one of them could assist her in crossing the river. One monk volunteers immediately, and carries her across the most perilous parts. When they are safe on the other side of the river, the monk and woman part, the woman very grateful for his kindness. The two monks proceed on their journey. A few hours later, the other monk begins questioning the monk who helped the woman, "You broke your vows by carrying the woman across the river, why did you do that?" The other monk responds, "I took a couple minutes and helped a woman cross the river and then left her at the other side, but why have you been carrying her for all these hours?"

I love that story. How often do we continue trains of thought that are no longer useful to us. The story reminds me to shift out of states that do not serve me, why carry negativity for minutes, or hours, or days, or weeks, or months, or years. The first monk broke his vow for a moment to do a greater deed than his vows allowed, and then with ease and effortlessness moved on in happiness and joy to the next segment of his life. However, the other monk stewed in his negative vibrations for hours, and was being critical of the other monk. The lesson for me is to create positive vibrations, moment to moment, to stay in the present, knowing that is where all my power is located. The moment I realize that I'm perhaps carrying the woman past the river, and I'm feeling negativity, the key as my teachers have taught me, is to shift quickly, drop the negative vibrations, and choose a better feeling vibration. The better feeling vibrations will lead to more and more good feeling vibrations, and very soon all will be well, and in its natural state.

The monk that helped the woman across the river reminds me of sayings that I see on bumper stickers, and are the words that I'd want to part with today. One is a saying coined by Joseph Campbell, "Follow Your Bliss", and the other is an invite to do "random acts of kindness."

May you be happy and well every moment.

Some of Eden

How about a lovely mural for a wall in your home or office? Taylor Kraft the artist behind the mural above is exceptionally talented. What I like most about her besides her upbeat, positive spirit, is her uncanny ability to bring a vision that is in my head, embellish it in the most perfect ways, and present it in a drawing, and in the case above, a mural. This mural is in my diningroom, and brings such beautiful vibrations to my whole home, I feel very blessed when I look at it, and to know it is always there raising the love in my home. If you're considering having an idea that's in your head put to canvas, or on a wall, or other medium, Taylor is the one to meet. She will assist you in bringing your dream to reality. Taylor Kraft can be contacted at,

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Glorious Glorietta

Last weekend I was in New Mexico to do spiritual chefery for a Lench workshop held at the home of my dear friends Lauren & Mark. Their adobe home situated on top of a mountain in glorious Glorietta that overlooks vistas of heaven is an incredible place to visit and gather together to facilitate health and well being. The day was full with blessings, love, and dreams coming true. Full with inspiration and upliftment. Full with people gathered to love each other, support each other, and nourish each other.

Along those lines, there was a story told by Lench that I want to share with you. It was towards the end of the day, and we were doing a gift exchange. Everyone had brought a wrapped gift, something that they were ready to give away and share with another. We each had chosen our gifts, and we were giving, one by one, the story behind the gift we had given to the person who had chosen our gift. One person gave a carved water buffalo that he had bought when he was doing a tour in Vietnam during the war. He spoke of the inspiration and comfort the water buffalo and pictures he associated with it, had given him over the decades. This giving triggered Lench to share a story of when he served as a tunnel rat in Vietnam during the war. People explained tunnel rats had very short life expectancies, so that Lench surviving to share stories is a great gift and miracle. Lench began his story by telling us how he had meet a family in Vietnam, and he began talking to them and asked them about their version of heaven and hell. One of the boys in the family, said "o, that's easy, in hell there is a big bowl of rice in the center, and there's lots of people, but they all have 4 foot chop sticks. Heaven the boy said is very much set up like hell, there is a big bowl of rice in the center, lots of people, 4 foot chop sticks, but in Heaven everyone feeds each other." I loved that story. How perfect! Let's feed each, nourish each other, support each other, and create heaven.

Another story from that day that I really liked was shared to me by a friend I hadn't seen in a long time, Kathy. Kathy told this story from a tape she listens to often. It goes like this, there's this man being chased by a tiger, the man finds he's running straight towards the edge of a cliff, as he gets to the edge of the cliff, the tiger is close behind him, he spots a vine, he lowers himself down on the vine. As he lowers himself down , he sees there is tiger below waiting for him. There's a tiger above, and below, and he's hanging on a vine between them, when he notices an ant chewing the vine he's hanging from. In that moment he looks in front of him and sees a very big, red strawberry. He reaches out and takes a bite of that strawberry. End of story. My bet is if this story had continued when it was told to me, would be that the man would begin to see and enjoy more strawberries, and by doing so more opportunities would manifest, perhaps a cave could manifest, in the cave could be treasures that this man had been dreaming of, and on and on. I like the story most because there is always a strawberry in our lives no matter what craziness is presenting itself. This story reminds me moment to moment to enjoy the strawberry right in front of my nose.