Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Awakening the Mouth: A Meditation

This is the second meditation of a series to awaken more love and light in our bodies, life, and world.

Awakening the Mouth: A Meditation

I invite you to create a sacred space, a place you can meditate, connect to your source, and feel peaceful. We are going to visit our spirits for the medicines to awaken more love in our bodies and life.

When you are in your sacred space, take a few deep breaths, inhales and full exhales, and by intending to do so connect with your body, your heart, your spirit, and breathe love to those areas and to them...(Pause.)

Feel your whole being responding to the love you send with your breath. You feel connected to your whole body, your heart smiles, and you feel your spirit respond to the love you offer through your breath. Soon you feel the presence of your spirit greet you and surround you in a beautiful warm and white light. You bask in this radiant light for a few moments. Then with a soft voice you hear your spirit speak and invite you to: "Bring your attention to your mouth, and with your breath inhale the white light that now surrounds you with great love into your mouth, and let that gift of love in the form of white light fill your mouth with its medicines.... (Pause.)

When you have drawn the beautiful light energies into your mouth and they feel strong, imagine that the white light transforms into tiny, almost transparent seeds. These seeds mingle their magic and love into your mouth. Take a few moments to imagine what you want to be sown into your life with these seeds. Soon you will be breathing these seeds full with your intentions from your mouth into your body and your life. With care these seeds will multiply and grow in the most beautiful of ways.

When you're ready inhale the light energy that still surrounds you with such a great love, bring that light energy to your mouth and let it mingle there with your seeds, and when your ready exhale your breath along with some of your seeds to your whole body. Seeds which are full with your intentions, your hopes, and your desires. Imagine your whole body getting charged with their energy and your breath. Breathe in this way a few times...(Pause.) Now choose an area of your body that would like to be fed with some extra positive attention, love, and medicine. Inhale the light energy from around you, let it mingle with some of your seeds of love in your mouth, and when you're ready exhale those seeds to that area of the body. Keep breathing in this way until you feel the medicine seeds activate in your body, filling your body with a sense of health and well being... (Pause.) The invitation is to continue to nourish these seeds that have been sown in your body by breathing into them with the blessings of light that now radiate from your mouth, feeding them with loving thoughts, and believing in their medicines.

The next invitation is to scatter and plant these seeds in your life and world like you are Johnny Appleseed. Inhaling the great love energy and white light that surrounds you, bringing that beautiful energy to your mouth, where it mingles with your seeds of light, then exhaling with a great wind your breath and seeds to your life and world. Those seeds of divinity flow to your relationships, your home, to this moment, to your day, to your life, and to everything in your world. Breathe in this way a few times until your life feels full with your seeds and intentions....(Pause.) The invitation is to foster the growth of these seeds in your life. Feed and nourish your seeds by noticing them in your life, give them loving attention, recognizing their growth, and appreciating each day how much joy and fulfilment they bring to you.

Let your mouth the holy temple that it is, and now full with these divine seeds of love and intention, be a reminder of the ceremony of today, the seeds that have been sown in your mouth, your body, and your life. The gift of love now shines in your mouth and radiates out to your whole being and life. "

May the the thoughts and words you speak be blessed with loving kindness to yourself and others. May the foods you eat be blessed and bring the perfect medicines for your whole body. May you chew on foods, thoughts, and ideas with dedicated love. May all that enters and exits from your mouth generate love and great joy.

The mantra for the mouth: I am going to remember the beautiful love that shines brilliantly from my mouth, and nourish the beautiful seeds of light that I sow in my life.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Awakening The Eyes: A Meditation

This is a part of a meditation series to activate and bring more love into our bodies and lives. The meditations are fulfilling a vision and experience that I had during a spiritual journey. The eye meditations are the first part of the series.

Awakening The Eyes: A Meditation

Find a comfortable position either lying down or sitting up and connect yourself to the ground or the earth by your intention to do so. Begin by doing a few slow circles with your eyes as if they were touching the numbers of a clock, and then a few circles with your eyes in the other direction. Bring all of your attention to your eyes as they begin to warm from these exercises. With your eyes open begin to take a few deep breaths, filling your whole body with breath, and then exhaling fully and completely out through your eyes.

We will now look with our eyes in different directions and gather the energies from the sacred directions and bring them within. Look up to the sky with your eyes, and with your breath inhale the energy of the sky into your body through your eyes and exhale your breath into the earth through your feet or tail bone. Repeat a couple of times......Then looking down with your eyes to the earth inhale the earth energy through your eyes and exhale your breath out your feet or tail bone. Repeat a couple of times..... Looking to the left with both eyes inhale the energy of that direction to your body through your eyes and exhale your breath from your body to the earth. Repeat a couple of times..... Looking to the right with both eyes inhale the energy of that direction to your body through your eyes and exhale to the earth. Repeat a couple of times..... Looking straight ahead inhaling the energy in front of you to your body through your eyes and exhaling out your arms and legs. Repeat a couple of times..... Lastly looking with both eyes towards the tip of the nose and inhaling the inner energy through your eyes to your whole body and exhaling your breath out your hands and feet. Repeat a couple of times..... Close your eyes and feel the life force activated in your eyes from the exercises.

Next, Begin rubbing the palms of your hands together for a few moments until a nice warm heat is generated, then place your warm palms over your eyes, a salve for them, and let the warmth enter your being through your eyes. Then imagine small seeds of light entering from your charged hands into your eyes and extending from the eyes to their connection at the center of the brain. Those little light seeds are seeds of pure love, and they are integrating themselves in your eyes and filling them with light and love. Returning your palms to a comfortable position, take a few moments to imagine those seeds like little stars blessing your eyes, everything you see with them, and your life with lots of love, light, and beauty.....(Pause)

Then the invitation is to draw breath from your whole body, your feet, your hands, your heart, the crown of your head, and bring that breath to your eyes, let the breath mingle with your seeds of light in your eyes, and then exhale that breath of light to your head and then back down to your whole body. Repeat a couple of times....

This time repeat the inhale of drawing breath from your whole body, bring the breath to your eyes and let mingle there with the love and light seeds, and then exhale that breath, beauty, and love out through your eyes to the rest of your day. Repeat a couple of times......

Again repeat the inhale of drawing breath from your whole body, bring the breath to your eyes and let it mingle there with the love and light seeds, and then exhale that breath, beauty, and love out through your eyes to the whole world. Repeat a couple of times......

Your eyes have been activated with love, light, and beauty. The invitation is to see with new eyes today. To look and find love in yourself, your life and world. To look and find the joy and the light inside you, and in your life and the world. To look and find beauty in yourself, your life, and your world.

What is like to look in the mirror and see yourself as beautiful? What is it like to hold only beautiful thoughts about yourself?

What colors do you see around you? What can you see that brings you joy? How many beautiful manifestations can you see today in your life?

Can you see love in action in the world? Can you notice the love today in your body, in your life, and in your world?

What do you want to see today? (Take a few moments to visualize your desires...)

When you're ready bring your attention and breath back to your whole body and to this time and space. Review and appreciate the new insights you have received and your new eyes. With your new eyes send gratitude out to your world and the blessings you have received. The wish is that you may continue to see and find the world of your dreams. Remember a new vision is always within you, every moment, the seeds are there ready to awaken to new sights, inspirations, and ways of being.

The mantra of the eyes: I am going to see and appreciate the beauty, love, and the seeds I've planted in the world.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Autumn Pies

A few years ago I began self publishing a cookbook that I bring with me when I get invited to do spiritual chefery for workshops and events. The cookbook is always being updated with new recipes and transformed ever so slowly into the cookbook of my most favorite concoctions and dreams. Below are two fall pie recipes, recent additions that are very good, easy to make, and can add a lot of warmth to our inner and outer homes. If you're in the baking mode try them, and let me know what you think, but remember the main ingredient of every recipe is love.

Apple Date Pie

This recipe is an autumn classic. Enjoy!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

1 cup of pitted dates
3/4 cup of water
1 organic banana
1 tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp of vanilla

Press a cup of dates into a one cup measuring device, place the dates with the water in a pan and bring to a soft boil. When dates are soft, remove from heat. In a food processor, combine the date mixture with the banana, cinnamon, and vanilla until creamy. Then in a separate bowl prepare apples:

7 organic apples, peeled and sliced
The juice of one organic squeezed lemon
1/3 cup of agave syrup
1 tbsp of cinnamon
1 -9 in. Whole grain pie crust

In a bowl toss together the apple slices, with the lemon juice, agave syrup, and cinnamon. Place the apple slices in the pie shell, top with the date mixture, and bake in the oven for an hour. Let the scrumptious pie cool or enjoy chilled with some whipped cream or ice cream. Mmmmm!

Spelt Pumpkin Pie

This recipe is so easy, delicious, and nutritious. Enjoy!

14 ounce pkg of organic firm tofu
1 -16 ounce can of organic pumpkin pie mix
5 -1 gram packs of stevia
1/4 cup of organic molasses

1/4 cup of rice or soy milk

1 tsp of cinnamon

1 tsp of cocoa powder
1 -9 in. Spelt or Whole grain pie crust

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a food processor puree the tofu, pumpkin mix, stevia, molasses, rice milk, cinnamon, and cocoa powder. Place the pumpkin mix into the spelt pie shell and bake for an hour. Let cool, chill pie, and serve. A favorite of mine, and it’s delicious anytime. Love topped with soy whipped cream.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Inner Egypt: The Center of the World

Part II: Sacred Inner Egypt

The Center of the World

When last I wrote, I had journeyed into the spiritual Underworld of Inner Egypt and faced two terrible beasts who represented all that I feared at the time or the darker forces in my life. I faced those fears and began to turn their heads to where I was going. By putting my focus on where I was going and what was important, the fears lost their power over me, and their energy was able to be used to further my goals instead of hindering them in miasmas of self loathing, self dramas, or other mental shackles.

After the terrible beasts transformed with the turning of their heads to a great light energy, and after I experienced the new tools I have to integrate fears, I soon became a falcon flying deeper into the Underworld. I merged with a snake whose interior black tunnels brought me down to the fiery center of the earth, to meet with the winged Egyptian Goddess of balance and truth, Ma'at. It is said that the hearts of all Underworld travelers are weighed against a feather of Ma'at, and that the course of their lives is then seen. The course that would bring the most balance, the most truth, the most heart wisdom is then decreed by Ma'at.

It is the healing from Ma'at that I received that I most want to pass on to you. Ma'at placed iridescent seeds over areas of my body. These seeds opened and spread their light to cover the physical areas of my body that they were placed near. I knew these seeds were covering my body in layers and wraps of love. Love was being integrated into the core of my being, first through my senses, then my appendages, then my organs, then my chakras, and then as a huge bubble that encompassed all of me. That was the easy part of the ceremony that we can all imagine happening to us, being wrapped, nourished, and surrounded in love. The challenge came later, and that was to activate those seeds and let love pour through them. The invitation is to experience our bodies, our hearts, and our minds as vessels of alive love.

The invitation to activate our whole beings with love is extensive, but we can begin by choosing an area of our body and then imagining love flowing in and out of that area. Smiling on that area. Practicing love flowing out from that area to the world. I have listed below the areas that seeds were placed in my body, and I will be leading meditations on activating one by one each of those areas with love and breath. I will post the meditations on my blog if you'd like to join me in the journey to bring more inner love daily into our lives and world. Or if you'd like the meditations emailed to you as they are channeled that is possible too.

I will follow this order with the meditations:
1. Eyes 2. Mouth 3. Breath 4. Ears 5. Nose 6. Hands 7. Feet 8. Our Blood 9. Sexual Organs 10. Breasts 11. Our Organs 12. Our Thoughts 13. The Seven Chakras 14. Our Body 15. Our Cosmic Being

This is the second segment of a three part journey into the sacred inner landscape of the Underworld of Egypt. The third segment, coming soon, Each Day is a New Beginning

My contact information is: Megan Living Stone,,, 720-284-4986 Wishing you sweet blessings!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sacred Inner Egypt

My spirit as a bird, first a raven who then transformed into a swift and graceful falcon, traveled to the Underworld of Inner Egypt and into the heart of its mystery teachings. I journeyed to the center of the earth where I met the Egyptian goddess of truth, Ma'at, and many other gods, goddesses, and teachers along the way. I emerged with the sun to a new awakening. The journey into the Underworld bore many gifts and the birthing of a lighter newer being of myself. It was full with teachings from the world where light and heart matters are fostered. A place where feelings, wisdom, and intuitions guide and heal the soul. The most obvious teaching for me from the journey is that there is always great light to be discovered in all darkness, in all challenges, and in all life.

The journey I undertook was an ancient meditation perhaps 4,ooo years young from the land of sacred Egypt. A spiritual teacher and artist from Boulder has been researching Egypt and its spiritual mysteries. She discovered this meditation into the Egyptian Underworld in a book by Jeremy Naydler called the Temple of the Cosmos. With divine inspiration our teacher of the mysteries expertly guided us on a journey to this Underworld where each person seemed to receive the perfect medicines for them. There were three gifts of insight and wisdom that were imparted to me that I want to share. Gifts that are about becoming lighter and radiating love. This is the first segment called Turning of the Heads.


Soon after entering the vast underworld territory of Egypt, two beings who represented all the fears and negativity present in my life approached. I faced them and listened to them. Then I was asked to turn their heads in the direction of where I was going on this journey. To turn my enemies or fears into allies. How to do that? I saw a great light in the distance, my near future, and I knew like the light that follows darkness on Earth, that I was a part of the coming dawn that was imminent, the new morning. I focused on that beautiful light in the distance, and knew with all my heart I belonged there and I was on a spiritual journey that was going there. A spiritual journey that could be enjoyed in its entirety, moment to moment, wherever it led, both in its positive and negative aspects, both together create a whole journey towards wherever we want to go. The light that beckoned me in the distance graced my path in the Underworld with its golden light and gave me purpose. My beasts of darkness turned their heads to see what great fire lit my eyes in such passionate ways. In a flash as they turned their heads towards my light, I had the energy to go meet the goddess Ma'at at the center of the earth. The goddess who weighs the heart, who heals, and guides the future of the next new beginning. I also had a new tool that I was very excited by to navigate through the darkest aspects of my being.

The invitation of the turning of the heads is to see the big picture of our journey in the moments that really challenge us the most. The times on the path where its easy to get lost in the drama of living and side tracked from our divine missions as well as our own serenity. However, our divine mission and our own serenity can always be chosen again and refocused on in an instant, that is our power, to feel how we want to, and interestingly the dramas always quiet and transform to our own wishes. To know those "scary" beings are of our own creation. To love ourselves enough to choose to feel good about who we are and where we are headed at all times. To really be empowered and responsible for our own feelings on the path. There is a Native American prayer that kept coming up when I thought about the lessons of the turning of the heads of our fears into our dreams. There is a prayer: "I walk in beauty. Beauty is behind me. Beauty is before me. Beauty is all around me. I walk in beauty." To know that our paths on this Earth are full with beauty is one way to transcend any doubts or fears that may surface as we walk, explore, and dream our lives. Those moments that test us have the ability to drain us of energy or instead sustain us. What are we giving our energy to, is it our dreams, to the things that make us really happy, or do dark beings that are of our own inner creation mysteriously rule and suck our life force. Is it not time to turn the ugly heads of fear into something beautiful. To find the gifts and beauty that are always present in every darkness. The moment my fears were embraced, and I chose to focus on my dreams and where my heart was drawn, my fears became the energy that opened the doors to new travels and to depths of myself that brought me closer to the new me that I wanted to become, to a new lightness of being.

Let's take inventory of where our energies are going, is there a symbolical beast that is draining energy from us, from our souls journey, and to positively redirect that energy by focusing on where we want to go, how we want to feel, our dreams, our joy, our happiness. What makes you know that you are loved internally no matter what happens, and to keep that inner wisdom, that self love, and love connection always open. What helps you know that wherever you've been and wherever your going is beautiful and true. Just for today, what if you loved all of who you are, and what if the path before you was full with things that bring joy to your eyes. What if you looked for the joys that are all around you, and found them everyday. Can you see them? O, look, look.....

As their heads turned to the rising sun, a celebration was felt throughout Ancient Egypt for the new beginning that was given. Everyday the sun blesses the dreams of the new traveler on the eternal path. What dreams and adventures shall we live today?

This is the first segment of a three part journey into the Underworld. Coming soon is Part II, a journey to The Center of the World.