Friday, April 18, 2008

Segments of Consciousness

The invitation is to use the transitions of our lives to awaken. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of major and minor transitions that happen each day that are excellent starting places to practice our awakening. Let's begin with the major transitions and then we can be more conscious of the minor transitions. Every time we transition from one major segment of activity to another, is an opportunity to remind ourselves to come more fully into the present moment. As we notice we are transitioning, we bring our attention to that new segment. We say "hello" to it, shake hands with it, and we become friendly with the moment. Gradually we make room for our true authentic power, the divine consciousness that's noticing the moment, to begin to brilliantly shine in our lives. Every transition can be a "new hello" to our life from a really present, awake, authentic, conscious position.

Our power is in the now. If you're like me over the years you have given a lot of your power away to illusions and self created vampires of the past and the future. If you're like me then you know it's time to take our power, our energy, our health, our consciousness back. When we are present in the moment, we have all our power and resources available to us (which is infinite), and it feels really good to be in the moment. There are no weights or baggage in the moment, all is always well in the moment. The moment we start dwelling on the past, getting lost in reactions and emotions, or led astray in the confines, conflicts, and endless dramas of the ego, our power steadily drains. The exercise above is a wonderful way to take our power back and to remind ourselves to return to the present moment where our power center is located.

We take our power back by choosing to be present, even if it's just for a moment, in each segment of our day. It is then easier in that segment and subsequent segments to be aware of our thoughts, and where our energy and thoughts are traveling. If we notice our thoughts going to places that no longer serve us or to negative thinking and emotions, we can immediately reign our energy our power back into the present moment.

To give you an idea of some basic segments in a day, awakening in the morning is a segment, making breakfast is a segment, going outside for a walk is a segment, entering or exiting the house is a new segment, getting in the shower is a segment, getting dressed is a segment, going outside to get on your bike is a segment, on your bike is a segment, arriving at a destination is a segment, going to the bathroom is a segment, etc. Every time you notice your transitioning to a new activity, the invitation is to become aware, to draw your power into the present moment, experience and feel from a conscious state the moment. See how many segments you can become present in during the day. Be gentle with yourself, love yourself, and have fun awakening as much as you can for each new segment. Soon our lives will be full with the joy of living from the state of NOW. NOW is the moment where Great Spirit plays. Will you come play?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Divine Creators

Is there something that chronically takes you out of the present moment? Is there something that worries you or causes you stress? Is there something that you would like to manifest in the world?

The invitation is to take that "something" and bring it to a greater level of your being so that it can be blessed, healed, and manifested. We are immersed in four levels of reality. The first level of reality is the physical level. The second level of reality, the mind and emotions, surrounds and envelops the physical reality. The mind and emotions govern our physical reality. Surrounding and enveloping the mind and emotions is the Soul world reality. Our Soul world governs our mind and emotions & physical worlds. Surrounding and enveloping each one of us and all of reality is Pure Source Energy, Creator Energy, Great Spirit Energy, The One who is known by so many names but who is really unnameable. Source Energy surrounds, creates, and envelops Everything. Take a moment to tap into that spring of Well-Being, that Unconditional Love, that Perfection that is you and that surrounds you all the time...

Now bring your "something" to the level of that Pure Source Energy, where everything flows into Oneness, and release it. Release it to the Source, that surrounds your whole being, and then know it's there. You have given your "something" away to the divine workings of the Cosmic Intelligence who is behind Everything. The next step is to truly release it. Every time that "something" appears in your mind. You remind your mind that you have given that to the Source of All of Life. That the Source of All of Life is now handling the details of that "something". Period. End of Story. The Universe has your "something" and you can know it will be worked out for the Highest Good. It will manifest if you can let go of it with the mind. Your "something" will be transformed into something so wonderfully perfect for you, trust the workings of the Universe, the Source, and let go of it.

The next step after you have reminded your mind that the "something" is being handled by the best team player you could have, the Ace in the hole, The Source, is to use that opportunity where the mind is quiet, it's not worrying about anything or concerned, to take a deep breath and to come more fully into this present moment. For if you have realized that you are speaking to your mind, you know that your are not your mind, and therefore you must be observing your mind from a greater reality. You have awakened for that moment, and you're bringing your Soul & Great Spirit into the world.

Each time we choose to be fully present in the moment, we create an opportunity for the divine to work through us and be us. We like birds can nest on the bountiful and beautiful Earth but our Spirits can soar and discover gifts and higher perspectives that we can bring here. If the mind is full with endless "somethings" it is difficult for the gifts to come in, it's difficult to fly. By giving our "somethings" to the Source, we can allow our "something" to unfold naturally and perfectly, and we can at the same instance become a vessel for the divine to enter into the denser realities of our minds & bodies. We become divine Creators and One with the Intelligence that has created Everything. We bring the worlds of Spirit and Heaven to Earth. We also experience and know for ourselves the Goodness, Abundance, and Pure love inherent in the Source, especially as our "something" leads us to a something even greater.


1.) Give your "something" to pure Source Energy.

2.) Everytime that "something" surfaces in your mind, remind your mind that you have given that to Source Energy to masterly manage in the most perfect way.

3.)Then the next moment allow yourself to come more deeply and fully into the present moment. The "something" begins to also be a tool to remind you to come into the present moment, your place of power.

I gratefully acknowledge Eckhart Tolle, Alberto Villoldo, and my community of Teachers for the dawning of these inspirations.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Shake hands with the NOW"

The invitation is to begin to love the present moment more than anything else your egoic mind can create. To choose to reside in the present moment means to begin the end of suffering. It may seem like an effort at first to re-train the egoic mind to stay in the now, but our minds learn fast, and soon the present state of being becomes natural.

When we are in tune with the now anything can happen, but one thing is certain if we tune in enough to the present moment we will become joyful and we will awaken. We will end the suffering that ensues from living reality from the point of the egoic mind. When we reside in the present moment we're living reality from the point of Soul & Spirit. Every time we check into the present moment we create a sacred space of oneness for the divine to be here, and we help facilitate the great shift of consciousness that is occurring. It is a blessing and honor to assist our divinity in this way, enjoy all the gifts from being in the moment that are bestowed.

The world is magical and everything in life is manageable from the present moment, everything. There is no stress in the present moment because we're now referring from a new level of reality, one of Soul & Spirit. On those levels all is perfect as it is right this very moment, and we are perfect and complete right this very moment. Take a breath, awaken to this moment, release the past and the future, and dwell now. Find the magic. Find the divinity. Find the well being. Find the inner happiness. Find your Soul. Find the Source of it all. It's available to us every moment, right now, all the tools are within us. Every moment, every breath, every feeling, is an opportunity to shift our consciousness from the confines of the egoic mind to the worlds of the Soul & Spirit. What is keeping us from being awake and luminous beings? If we get tired of the spinning wheels of the ego, we can always say "hello" and shake hands with the ever present, omniscient, and loving NOW. Another invitation is to birth who we really are as a Soul & Spirit, and to BE the change we've wanted to see here. Be love. Be peace. Be oneness. Or Be whatever wonderful and unique gifts that are in your Soul to Be expressed in this perfect NOW.

I must say I'm greatly inspired and grateful for the living presence and works of Eckhart Tolle. He's a shining example of the new consciousness being born here on Earth. Some of his books and DVD's include: The Power of Now, Flowering of Human Consciousness (DVD), and A New Earth.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Gift of Spirit

Here is one way to bring more of your Soul and Source energy into the world:

Consciously intend to bring a Gift from your Spirit to everyone you meet today and to all your interactions.

Begin to refer to your Soul and Source to find the perfect gift. It can be a smile. It can be holding a positive thought about a person as you pass them on the street. It can be being fully present in the moment with someone. It can be consciously listening to someone. It can be sharing your gifts and talents with the world. The pure act of bringing your Soul into any exchange or interaction is enough and a great gift.

We are always giving something with everyone we meet. This is an invitation to become more conscious of what we are giving. To give good thoughts. To give love. To give joy. To give gifts of Spirit.

This is a spiritual exercise where there is infinite room to continue to grow. Be gentle and loving with yourself as you practice. At the end of your day feel the amount of Spirit you nourished, channeled, and expressed into the world today. Acknowledge how you can joyfully improve the exercise of Giving tomorrow, and appreciate with a heart full of gratitude all the Gifts of Spirit that have been given to you this day.


I was inspired to this exercise by a talk Deepak Chopra gave on the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. I highly recommend any of Deepak Chopra's books, they are always great Gifts of Spirit.