Thursday, January 25, 2007

Naples Half -Marathon, My Mother!

My Mother Who Keeps On Inspiring

About a year ago, my Mother announced that she was going to run the Naples Half -Marathon for her 60th birthday. She tried to enlist my sister and me in this athletic feat, but we both had too many resistances to shed in time for the race. My sister said "no" outright, and I contemplated my athletic prowess for a while before declining. My mom decided to run solo.
My mom has been running for almost 40 years, but she had never run a race or a half-marathon. She is a slow, consistent, and steady runner. She has run for many years, but mostly 5 miles or less, 20-30 miles a week. A half-marathon is 13.1 miles, and my Mom wanted to finish within the 2h 45 min. time frame. The day of the marathon was so exciting, to watch a dream of my mother's unfold with so much beauty, fun, and inspiration. On January 21, 2007, we all woke in the dark around 5am for the 7am race start. There was about 1,5oo race participants, and my mom was confident and prepared for her day. She was outfitted in a Boulder Running Company get up (my contribution!), camel pack, a year of preparation, and sneakers that would take her the distance.

Roger, my mom's husband, and I followed my mom around the course of gorgeous downtown Naples, cheering her on and supporting her at all the turns we could. My mom was amazing that day; I am so proud of her. She not only finished within the time frame of the race, she came in 12th for her age group.

Something occurred as I was cheering my mom on, and watching all the determined runners and walkers, many shapes, sizes, and ages. I got caught up in the momentum of the race and the awesome accomplishment of completing a 13.1 mile competition. I got inspired by my mom and all the people fulfilling their dreams with such heart, passion, and sweat. I decided next year I would accompany my mom, and run the half-marathon. I have started training, one mile at a time, very slowly, but I've begun. I'm shooting to run the 10k Bolder, Boulder in May if I'm in town. My mom not only inspired me to run, but one of her best friends, Debbie Garrand, is also contemplating joining us next year for the annual Naples half-marathon. My sister is still firm in her "no" decision, but has said she'll bring the coffee and donuts next year!, and cheer us on from the side-lines. Inspiration is contagious, and I hope all people will declare their dreams and enjoy as they manifest them.

If anyone would like to train with me for the Bolder, Boulder, contact me, I would love the company and support.
The invitation is to dream big, and may you find inspiration everywhere, every moment, for everyone of your dreams.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Sharing The Wisdom of the Old Ways

I have been invited to be the spiritual chef for a one day workshop in beautiful New Mexico on February 25th. The workshop is going to be held at a healing center and home in Glorietta, New Mexico, right outside of Santa Fe. Lench, is a Native American traditional healer who teaches the ancient wisdom ways to personal power and sacred living. The workshop is going to be very special. The invitation is to come! I will be driving down from Boulder on Friday the 23rd, spending the day in Sante Fe, and then preparing our beautiful meal for the workshop. I can promise that the lunch at the worksop will carry sacred medicines,health, and blessings for the body, mind, heart, and spirit of each individual. I would love company for the drive, exploring Santa Fe, and then Sunday will be the day of the workshop. I will probably begin the journey back to Boulder Sunday night or first light on Monday. All the information for the event is pasted below. The flyer is beautiful, but the design and colors didn't transfer at all. However, if you would like I could mail you the attachment for the flyer so you can see and also share with other people. Contact me if you'd like to car pool,, and register with Lauren for the workshop, her info is below.


Native American Spirituality and Medicine for the Modern World

We are sacred beings. The energy
of these times challenges us to honor
ourselves in ways that nourish the fires
of our spirit. There are specific and
practical methods we can use to renew
our clarity, focus and direction. This
knowledge is very old and powerful. It
is time to revisit this ancient wisdom.

Sensing the Sacred


Sunday, February 25th – $150.00
The workshop is from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and lunch is provided. Space is limited and preregistration with a $50 deposit is
required. You will receive more details and instructions for the Give-Away Ceremony upon registration. Private counseling
sessions are being scheduled through Wednesday. For more information visit us online @

CALL LAUREN JANSON @ 505.757.8989 OR 505.470.8581 TO REGISTER!

Lench is a Yaqui Indian and traditional native healer from Southern Arizona who has worked with individuals and small groups in the Sonoran Desert
for more than twenty years. He collaborates with numerous medical doctors, health practitioners, therapists, and other traditional healers as a counselor,
consultant, advisor, and spiritual guide. He is featured in the book Coyote Medicine by Lewis Mehl Madrona, M.D. and Dr. Mehl Madrona
has been referring patients to Lench since 1980. Lench also works with Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts,
and is a frequent Guest Speaker at the Caroline Myss Institute in Chicago.
His background includes work with numerous Native American nations as well as fifteen years as an advisor for the Department of Defense on Ethnic
and Human Relations. He is a decorated Viet Nam veteran and has lectured at Medical, Military, Educational, Correctional Institutions, and Traditional
Native Gatherings throughout the United States and abroad. In the fall of 2000, Lench represented Native American Peoples before Pope John Paul II
at the World Mission Conference at the Vatican in Rome, Italy. Two weeks after September 11, 2001, he was invited to guide and assist Manhattan
residents in a workshop dedicated to the healing of emotional and spiritual trauma, which concluded with a ceremonial healing circle held at Ground Zero.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Awake In The Garden

This is the introduction to a book I'm writing titled Awake In the Garden: Teachings of my Inner Being. Please write me with questions, ideas, insights, Smiles!

Awake In The Garden
Teachings of my Inner Being

I want to be one with my inner being. I want to be one with my inner being . I want to be one with my inner being.

I want to be unified 100% with my inner being. I want to be in complete harmony with my inner being all the time, and I know that it will happen. I believe in myself 100%.

My inner being is beautiful love and light. Her name is Seraph and she emits 100% positive vibrations. Seraph means angel and that is how I have always known her to be, an angel to me. I was inspired to seek Seraph after reading Esther and Jerry Hicks' books on The Law of Attraction, and listening to Esther's channels of Abraham. It is their teachings that helped me understand the workings and world of my inner being, Seraph. Seraph is my spirit and she abides in the non-physical realm. She is all of me and more. She is keeper to the entire history of me. From her realm she can navigate our course exceptionally well. In unison with Seraph all of my dreams, desires, and any thing I choose to create manifests. As explained in the Abraham teachings, Seraph can guide me so well because in her world there is no time delay between a thought and its subsequent manifestation. So therefore, Seraph has become a master creator and able to utilize and fully enjoy all the rapid manifestations of her thoughts. She has chosen to stay in the non-physical world to guide me as we create and unify with deliberate intention the body, mind, and spirit in the physical realm. This trinity of conscious unity of the body, mind, and heart, along with the wisdom of our inner beings is the gift of our present time, to be awake in the garden, consciously creating is available to everyone, and operates all the time either consciously or by default.

We each have our own personal guide to complete fulfillment inside us. The Law of Attraction teaches that every moment we are evolving in a universe transforming to create our every desire whether positive or negative. These are the teachings of the Law of Attraction presented by Esther and Jerry Hicks, presented in the movie The Secret, and presented in Michael Losier's book The Law of Attraction. As all Law of Attraction teachings explain, truly we are the creators of our reality. The materials of our creations can be whatever we can imagine. The resources are infinite, boundless, and abundant. All we have to do is imagine what we want, be emitting the vibrations that will positively fuel our desire, and allow what we want to happen.

It is our inner being, the Abraham teachings tell us, who will let us know if we are creating a vibration that will bring us our true desire, or if our vibration is negative, and will bring us more of what we don't want. Negative vibrations and thoughts make us feel aweful, message from inner guide is saying shift gears, refocus attention immediately to thoughts that create positive feelings. Positive feelings put us in alignment with our inner being and make us feel good, so that we are able to attract what we truly desire. One final step in the process is to realize that whatever we give our consistent attention to will manifest. If we want to manifest all of our dreams, we must nourish them with only positive care. We must believe in ourselves 100% and trust that our dream is on its way by simply having the thought of wanting it and by having given it our attention. Our loving attention to our dream will give it all the energy, life force, and positive vibrations, it needs to arrive in our garden, blossoming, and ready to be enjoyed.

Abraham teaches, all physical beings have a spirit, an inner being, that resides in the realm of the non-physical. We all are evolving, creating, and playing together with our inner beings in a way that is completely unique to this time. Seraph knows my heart’s desires and she helps me manifest them by aligning myself to her higher frequency. Since she is pure positive vibration, she is the perfect compass to gage what would be the most advantageous thoughts for me to unleash in order to create exactly what I want. If I am holding a thought that does not resonate with Seraph, my inner being, who is positive vibration and light, I will begin to feel disconnected, negative, and unworthy. If those feelings and thoughts arise, I instantly refocus on a thought that is in harmony with my inner being and all of me and all of who I want to be, and produces positive vibrations making me feel good. Seraph and I communicate to create the world of my dreams by feelings and vibrations, by direct dialogue, and light. Positive feelings bring us closer and creating exactly what I want becomes easy. Negative feelings seemingly separate me from my inner guide, directions, and map, and I feel dis empowered. I have chosen to nourish and grow only positive feelings and vibrations in order to be fully aligned in creating what would bring my heart the most joy.

We all can create the world of our dreams. My greatest wish for you is that you manifest all your wants, desires, dreams, and more. I know very soon, you will be awake in the garden and be creating whatever you wish and desire. In this book, I invite you to journey in my garden and to see how all my seeds grow the wildest, most exquisitely beautiful, and most welcomed fruits and flowers of my imagination, heart, and dreams. I invite you to create a garden of your own, it’s easy and simple, and awaken to the joy of being a master creator of your own reality. The leaves whisper in the wind to all beings, "Come, dear ones, play and sing, as nature transforms, bells ring, vibrations zing, ideal fate you create, celebrate!"

I am very grateful for all the Jerry and Esther Hicks books and audio teachings, Abraham: the collection of spirits Esther channels, the movie The Secret, and Michael Losier for all the teachings on the Law of Attraction, for without them, I would still be creating in a dark slumber, and Seraph's guidance would still be second guessed over and over. So thank you!

I am writing this book, Awake In The Garden, because I want to and I'm inspired to do so. I am awakening in a beautiful garden, a garden of my creation, and I wish to describe my experiences, map them for all others who might, one day, because of their desires, seek them out.

Copyrighted 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007

Unifying Poets

A friend recently asked me, "What would be a good way through a poem for poets to be brought together? I'd like to take your answer with me to the writers' conference in February."

What would be a good way through a poem for poets to be brought together?

A way for you to unite poets through a poem, brace yourself, for it is a very simple answer, it is to set the intention to do so, and to expect for your desire to manifest. I recommend that your desire to unite poets with a poem become a steady mantra of your being, along with all your other dreams and desires. I would begin by saying, " I want to unite poets through a poem." Then imagine creating a 100% positive vibrations around the poem and the mantra. The poem will manifest by giving it love, support, and a 100% positive nourishment. You must believe in yourself a 100% and the power you have to unite poets with a poem. Imagine uniting poets with a poem, and state very clearly and precisely what you want to happen. You may want to expand your mantra of "I want to unite poets through a poem" to "I want _______" , and you fill in all the blanks, everything you will need to manifest the desire to unite poets through a poem.

If I wanted to unite poets through a poem. I would want my poem to be the best poem in the world and the cosmos. I would want love, support, and inspiration from all poets. I would want my poem to inspire poets. I would want my poem to be many other things too. Therefore, I would request to the universe with a, " I want ______" ,and
I would fill in the blank. I would manifest a poem to unite poets. I would fuel my wants with love, attention, excitement, faith, and more, anything that will generate positive vibrations, joy, happiness, around my desire to unite poets with a poem.

The process to manifest your desire to unite poets with a poem is simple and consciously utilizes the most powerful laws in the universe.

First, you must state your desire or desires in a positive way. You must concentrate on what you want to manifest. Avoid the "don't wants" in your vocabulary. Rephrase all desires in a positive way. The universe by law will manifest to you anything you focus your attention on whether it is positive or negative. Focus on what you want to bring to your life. You're consciously or unconsciously manifesting everything that is in your life right now. You can manifest anything you want, dream big, and believe in yourself 100%.

The second step is to make sure you're generating 100% positive vibrations around your desire to unite poets with a poem. A vibration is created by our moods and emotions. When you say "I want to unite poets with a poem" how does your gut feel? Listen closely and feel the vibrations you create when you say, " I want to unite poets with a poem." Then keep asking for what you need to get to the point where you generate 100% positive vibrations around your desire to unite poets with a poem. For example, If I want to manifest one of my dreams, I may need other materials so that I feel and vibrate confidence and can emit 100% positive vibrations, so I ask for what I need by saying, " I want _____" and I fill it in with my desire. If my gut is experiencing vibrations of fear about one of my wants, I may need to ask for self confidence or something else so I'm not sending out conflicting desires to the universe. A conflicting desire would void itself out in the universe. A part of me would be voicing the thought of my desire and if my gut feelings are vibrating no way to my desire, " I can't do that", then the opposing conflict loses its life force to manifest.

The third and final step is to allow your desire to unite poets with a poem to manifest. You allow the desire to manifest by being open and receptive to manifesting it. If your vibrations are aligned with your desire to unite poets with a poem, you will manifest your desire. I allow my desires to manifest by keeping my heart open and allowing the positive vibrations of my intended creation to flood my being with joy.

The invitation is to create the life of your dreams, anything you want, and more.

For more information on the Laws of the Attraction, I recommend the movie The Secret, Esther and Jerry Hicks book on the Law of Attraction, and Michael Losier's book on the same subject. At Esther and Jerry Hicks website you can sign up for daily inspirational messages to guide your journey to creating the life you want to manifest, their site is helpful.

In addition, you may want to come to our Spiritual Brunch. On the first Sunday of every month from 10 to 12pm, I am hosting a "Law of Attraction: Celebrate the manifestation of all our dreams Circle." We will celebrate our manifestations, support and share our wisdom, inspire each other, and celebrate ourselves in a 100% loving, safe, and positive environment. If you are moved, feel free to bring a vegan brunch dish to share.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Energy Medicine Share

We will be having an energy medicine share, on the 2nd Sunday of every month, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. It is a time to nourish each other with reiki, polarity therapies, and other energy medicine modalites. Each person has a time in the center where the group energy is focused on them, and also times to give and support the healing and health of the rest of the group. If you're interested in joining us on this nourishing and loving health adventure, contact me, Megan, Hope to see you there!

You're It!

You're It
As a myriad things and
Playing a game
Of tag
Has kissed you and said,
"You're it--
I mean, you're Really IT"
It does not matter
What you believe or feel
For something wonderful,
Major-league Wonderful
Is someday going

Spiritual Brunch

On the first Sunday of every month from 10 to 12pm, I am hosting a "Law of Attraction: Celebrate the manifestation of all our dreams Circle." We will celebrate our manifestations, support and share our wisdom, inspire each other, and celebrate ourselves in a 100% loving, safe, and positive environment. If you are moved, feel free to bring a vegan brunch dish to share.

If you'd like more information about the Law of Attraction or would like to attend our first spiritual brunch on February 4th, contact me via email or phone, or 720.284.4986. I expect our gathering will be wildly successful!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Invitation

The invitation is to take at least one, deliberately deep, full breath each day. However, 3 deep, full breaths work like a charm to create whole, new beginnings. Begin with a complete exhale. Fill up your abdomen area with breath, your belly should expand like your pregnant, stretching the diaphragm, feeling the spine, organs, the pelvic floor. With your breath move to your mid-thoracic(rib) region, expand your ribs to the sides of the room, to the ceiling and floor, completely full. Bring your breath to your very upper chest, expanding the upper chest like a bird preparing to sing its song, a robin with its red breast displayed with glorious brilliance. When your breath has filled those three areas, top each area off with breath, and feel your body full with breath. Hold your breath, scan your body with your breath, with your mind travel to your feet, your fingers, your neck and head, and inside the core of your body, feel breath in those areas. Imagine your body full with golden light and the energy of pure love pulsing all over. When you're ready, slowly exhale, in a controlled manner. On the next inhale, lengthen your breath down to your feet, hold, and release. If an area feels uncomfortable, listen, and work with it accordingly, breathe into it until the area feels more comfortable, open and relaxed. The goal is to take the fullest breath you can, begin there with love and gentleness.

Take a couple normal breaths to feel your body. Do you feel how in these moments of breathing deeply, fully, you have created positive change for the rest of the moments in your day and life? It is a powerful exercise. A teacher of mine use to say, "you have the right to breathe." You have the right to take deep, full breaths through out your day. The invitation is to breathe fully and enjoy completely all the benefits and blessings of doing so. May you manifest all of your dreams and desires one deep, full, loving breath at a time.

To All Creative Artists

The Vintage Man (or Woman)

Between a good artist
And a great one


The novice
Will often lay down his tool
Or brush

Then pick up an invisible club
On the mind's table

And helplessly smash the easels and

Whereas the vintage man
No longer hurts himself or anyone

And keeps on



This poem inspires me to create 100% positive vibrations, NO MATTER WHAT!!! To sculp beauty, light, love, and more into my day, every day. To be master of my creations. To love my creations with my whole being and frequencies. To create the world of my dreams, and more, every moment of the day with 100% positive vibrations. The Vintage Woman. May all your dreams and desires come true.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Too Wonderful

No one could ever paint

A too wonderful


Of my heart




The Law of Attraction

The theories and practices of the Law of Attraction have been partially presented to me before in a myriad of teachings and practices. Recently, the principles of the Law of Attraction are clarifying and exploding in a big way on my consciousness. My map and understanding of the laws of our universe has expanded from being exposed to the teachings unfolding from the law of attraction. LOA is a very simple, but profound way for each of us to create ourselves using the highest of our abilities and skills, dreams, and more.

There are several books on the subject of law of attraction, and there is a movie called The Secret on the topic too. I have just ordered a copy of that movie. If you're in Boulder, and would like to see the film, contact me, and we'll set up a viewing.

Michael Losier has written a book on the Law of Attraction and teaches workshops. Below is about a 45 minute audio clip from one of his talks. I was very inspired by his presentation. It is a wonderful introduction to the Law of Attraction, and at his website there are additional articles that help clarify some immediate questions that may arise.

Michael's info is below, and please find the underlined audio link below, it says "click here" and will bring you to the site where you can listen to him. Please let me know if you have any trouble connecting to the link. I hope you enjoy, and may you attract all you've ever wanted each and every moment. Sending beautiful and loving vibrations to all!

Miles of smiles,


Hello and thank you for subscribing to my monthly Law of Attraction ezine. Each month, you'll find great Law of Attraction articles, products and resources. The Law of Attraction has brought a lot to my life and I am always eager to share my experiences with all of you.

Click here to listen... P.S. Remember, mind your vibrations!
Sincerely, Michael Losier
Michael Losier Enterprises
email: phone: 877-642-7820 web: