Monday, March 31, 2008

The Divine Message

The invitation is to become your eternal nature on Earth. To birth your Soul and the gifts of your unique Soul into the world. To birth your own God-consciousness into the world. Allow all the conditions of your life to point you in specific directions inward that would be best for your Soul's journey at this time. Our life conditions are gifts, messages, that lead us to accomplishing this feat of being a vessel for Heaven on Earth.

Begin by experiencing who you are as a Soul and as pure Source energy. Experience your Unconditional aspects such as Unconditional Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness ,Oneness, etc. For example, What is it like to be Unconditional Love? Feel it & experience it, become Unconditional Love. If there is a condition in your life, a message, where you feel there is a lack of love, let Unconditional Love flow into that situation. The Love or lack of Love in your life comes from within, from allowing or disallowing the divine stream of Unconditional Love to flow . If you want more Love in your life, open your inner channels of Love, and direct Unconditional Love to yourself and to any area in your life where it feels absent. Be Unconditional Love. Practice opening your channels and embodying Unconditional aspects of yourself such as Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Oneness more and more through out your day, and in different situations that call for those aspects, fill yourself, complete yourself.

Let's be responsible for our inner conditions. The outside conditions are signs and gifts from the Universe to point us in the right direction inward. We have a tendency to blame, to analyse the messenger when really the message and the receiving of the message, and thus the ensuing positive change that happens from responding to the message, is really all that is important. Messages point us in the direction that would best serve us and our Soul's growth. Practice receiving the messages around you. Anything that elicits a heavy emotion or limits you in any way is a message and gift from your Soul, explore it. In the past we have followed emotions outward, and all the energy of the powerful message was lost outward or dissipated in an emotional reaction response or sometimes we've suppressed the emotion inward until it exploded recklessly and was lost. Luckily, the messages keep coming louder and louder until they're heard.

You have a message! You have identified an emotion or thought that is negative or heavy or that makes you feel bad. Follow that emotion or thought and find out what is really going on. It is not about the person or condition that elicited your emotion or thought, it's about you, and making a discovery about yourself, and it's something that's important for you to know right now. It's fun! We're about to go on a treasure hunt and find a gift for our Soul. You're invited to take that attitude every time you experience any heavy emotion like fear, anger, lack of love, worry, greed, guilt, negative thoughts, etc. Let's clear them now, heal them now, and make room within for Heaven now. So we have a negative emotion or thought, we follow it inside, get at the root of the emotion, hear the message, and by doing so we allow it to release. When we hear the message inside, our Soul sends the Unconditional salves that are perfect for us to heal that wound. It then becomes easier to hold the vibrations of who we really are, we've accepted the message, and eliminated a cause of what might have led in the past to a great suffering. We then experience the gift, the divine treasure of the message.

We are perfect as we are. Feel that and experience it now. We are Unconditional Love, it is our Nature. We are Joy incarnate. We are Peace. We are Happiness. We are in Harmony with all of life. We are, we become, the Ones who we've been waiting for. We become the change we've wanted to see. Heaven then lives on Earth through us and as us. We have come as Soul's from all over the Universes to experience this Great Transformation from the illusion of darkness into beings of Light. Now is the time to Lighten, Clear, and Heal ourselves. To awaken. To tune into our Messages. To begin to transform into Luminous Beings of Soul & Spirit. To bring the gifts of your Soul & Heaven to Earth. We have all the tools and support within to do so. Now is the time to be the miraculous and inspiring and uplifting journey of the Caterpillar into the Butterfly.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Soul Power! Spirit Power!

Recently, I was taking a class and our teacher invited us to explore and apply the word non-suffering to our lives. Non-suffering. It's huge. How many times do we allow ourselves to suffer through out the day? And an even bigger question, why? Perhaps we have forgotten we have choice moment to moment. Suffering takes many shapes and forms. It can be a thought that plagues us, an emotion, it can live in our inner or outer body. Becoming super aware of when we start to pick up the weights and heavy energy of suffering, and instead placing those weights of suffering aside, and choosing a more empowering direction is liberating. Knowing we can do so is liberating. In essence, suffering is a choice each of us makes. Becoming conscious of when we are choosing to suffer is the turning point of the tide. Suffering limits and constricts us, and is a tool that keeps us engaged in a mind dominated world of affairs.

However and luckily, we are beings of Soul and Spirit and have a myriad of other options, really infinite options, available to us. Realizing we are more than the suffering of our minds is a first step. Experiencing who we really are as Soul & Spirit will help us navigate through any challenge the mind could ever present. The invitation is to align with your Soul, with your God-Consciousness: Unconditional Love, Joy, and Happiness. What is keeping you from Unconditional Love, Joy and Happiness, and is it worth it? There will always be a choice, to suffer or not, which will you choose? If you decide to suffer, who benefits? Your ego may benefit for you get to complain to the world, poor me, look how much I suffer, but if it's love and attention you seek, why not go to the Source of love and attention and fill yourself?

We are surrounded by Pure Love, Joy, and Happiness. The more we choose to feel this stream of Love that pervades and is one with all there is, the less likely we are to choose ways of being that no longer serve us. The next time the cloak of suffering begins to wrap its coils of darkness around you, what if you say, "that's ok", but I think I'm going to experience being Unconditionally Happy this time, dawn this garment for a while? What's it like to be Unconditionally Happy? To Love yourself and others Unconditionally? Non-suffering lightens our being, and allows us to experience higher vibrations of who we really are, and to express the gifts of our Souls on Earth. Now that you should see! Our mind power is impressive, but Soul Power stretches universes of wisdom and beyond, touching wing to wing with the Creator of it all. Suffering is an opportunity to choose the power and gifts of your Soul & Spirit.

Soul Power! Spirit Power!

Friday, March 21, 2008

All Is Perfect

This is an invitation to shift into the field of awareness that all is perfect as it is right this very moment. Let go, even if it's just for a few moments, all your worldly concerns and dramas of the mind, no matter how engaging. Allow this state of ultimate perfection to fill and nourish your being. Allow your mind and emotions to rest in the perfection of this moment. Allow your body to bask in this healthy energy field. All is well and you can reside more and more in this field of awareness anytime you wish by choosing and setting your intention to do so. In this field of perfection you can experience who you are as a Soul, as a perfect divine being connected to the Creator of it all. Practice this exercise when you're stressed, when your emotions are running wild, or when you want to rejuvenate your being to its natural harmony. Practice living in this state of perfection.

You're one with the Source that creates, sustains, and moves in perfect harmony all the energy of the Cosmos and more. Settle into this awareness. Open your doors to this perfection. Open your doors to this field of Unconditional Love and Oneness. Open your doors to this Cosmic Intelligence that is beyond the description of words. We have access to so many gifts beyond the comprehension of our physical minds. However, if we are not at peace with the perfection of this present moment there will be no one home to accept the divine gifts that pervade around us and that are instrumental for our Soul's growth. Our minds will be too engaged with worldly things that we can never take with us on our Soul's Journey & a great opportunity will be missed. Who are you beyond this existence? What is your Soul purpose on Earth? Where will you go when your body dies and when your small mind that is filled with all this culture and earthly information dies? It is really nice to be able to touch base with the Soul now, and it is easy and possible to do when the mind rests in the perfect order of all things.

Taking moments to breathe, to realize the beauty, diversity, and perfection that are within and surrounding us every moment with such Great Love, are ways to enjoy the divine treasures that our Soul came to Earth to witness and experience. Take a deep breath and experience the Perfection.

I'd like to acknowledge my friend Linda Campbell and the teachings of Eckhart Tolle on the Flowering of Human Consciousness for igniting my Soul to new experiences and wisdom that inspired me to write these words above.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Visioning Process

Tonight I listened to a tele-conference with Dr. Zhi Gang Sha and his guest Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith who spoke about the visioning process of our Soul. They each delivered powerful teachings, and some of what was given tonight I thought that you might enjoy too.

Rev. Michael spoke about the shift from visualizing to visioning. Visualizing is the beginning of understanding the laws of the universe and manifestation. Where we place our energies is what we are manifesting in our lives. When we visualize and harmonize our vibrations to what we want that visualization manifests.

He invited us to step to another level into visioning. Visioning is with the Soul and Source energy. Visioning is unprecedented, it's nothing you can imagine on your own, it's being dreamed on the leading edge of creation. He talked about the importance of the questions we are asking in our lives. To be visioning with the Soul ask the right questions. The Universe will answer every question. He cautioned that if you're asking the Universe, "Why does this keep happening to me, I'm always left out (or whatever complaint or victim iding it is)?" Then the universe by law will answer your question by giving you more of being left out, so that you can understand why it keeps happening to you, thus answering your question.

Dr. Sha suggests relaxing our emotions and our minds and step into the soul. Rev. Michael invites surrounding ourselves in the All there is unconditional love of the Universe, and asking the Universe from the Soul level these empowering questions:

1.) What am I seeking as a Soul to emerge in my life?

2.) What is it I must become to manifest this vision in my life?

3.) What must I let go of?

4.) What gifts and talents do I have that I can use to manifest this vision?

He stressed the importance of the sacred yes to the vision, the willingness to become your vision, and have immense gratitude to the Universe for everything in our lives is a gift.

He felt there are four levels of operating reality: 1.) Victim reality (Id'ing ourselves as victims 2.) Manifest reality (beginning to wake up and understand the nature & laws of the universe) 3.) Through Us reality ( that's the visioning process channeled through us) 4.) As Us Reality (We are God or Source). Responding to a question how to shift from Victim to Manifest reality, Rev. Michael said they are three keys to doing that: 1.) Give up blaming yourself and others 2.)Unconditional forgiveness of yourself and others 3.) Ask empowering questions

The invitation is to ask empowering questions to your Soul & to the Universe. They will be answered. Who are you as a Soul? What are your Soul gifts? How can your Soul grow? Relax the mind and ask the vision of your Soul to manifest...........

Smiles & Blessings.

Dr. Rev. Michael has a 6 or 8 cd collection that he has just released on the visioning process. It can be bought at his web address below or on amazon .com

I also want to clarify that above is just my casual interpretation and translation of what I heard at the tele-conference, and I suggest for a more accurate, elaborate, and detailed picture and understanding of the visioning process to go to Dr. Rev. Michaels materials directly.

Website links:
Dr. Zhi Gang Sha
Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith: