The Divine Message
The invitation is to become your eternal nature on Earth. To birth your Soul and the gifts of your unique Soul into the world. To birth your own God-consciousness into the world. Allow all the conditions of your life to point you in specific directions inward that would be best for your Soul's journey at this time. Our life conditions are gifts, messages, that lead us to accomplishing this feat of being a vessel for Heaven on Earth.
Begin by experiencing who you are as a Soul and as pure Source energy. Experience your Unconditional aspects such as Unconditional Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness ,Oneness, etc. For example, What is it like to be Unconditional Love? Feel it & experience it, become Unconditional Love. If there is a condition in your life, a message, where you feel there is a lack of love, let Unconditional Love flow into that situation. The Love or lack of Love in your life comes from within, from allowing or disallowing the divine stream of Unconditional Love to flow . If you want more Love in your life, open your inner channels of Love, and direct Unconditional Love to yourself and to any area in your life where it feels absent. Be Unconditional Love. Practice opening your channels and embodying Unconditional aspects of yourself such as Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Oneness more and more through out your day, and in different situations that call for those aspects, fill yourself, complete yourself.
Let's be responsible for our inner conditions. The outside conditions are signs and gifts from the Universe to point us in the right direction inward. We have a tendency to blame, to analyse the messenger when really the message and the receiving of the message, and thus the ensuing positive change that happens from responding to the message, is really all that is important. Messages point us in the direction that would best serve us and our Soul's growth. Practice receiving the messages around you. Anything that elicits a heavy emotion or limits you in any way is a message and gift from your Soul, explore it. In the past we have followed emotions outward, and all the energy of the powerful message was lost outward or dissipated in an emotional reaction response or sometimes we've suppressed the emotion inward until it exploded recklessly and was lost. Luckily, the messages keep coming louder and louder until they're heard.
You have a message! You have identified an emotion or thought that is negative or heavy or that makes you feel bad. Follow that emotion or thought and find out what is really going on. It is not about the person or condition that elicited your emotion or thought, it's about you, and making a discovery about yourself, and it's something that's important for you to know right now. It's fun! We're about to go on a treasure hunt and find a gift for our Soul. You're invited to take that attitude every time you experience any heavy emotion like fear, anger, lack of love, worry, greed, guilt, negative thoughts, etc. Let's clear them now, heal them now, and make room within for Heaven now. So we have a negative emotion or thought, we follow it inside, get at the root of the emotion, hear the message, and by doing so we allow it to release. When we hear the message inside, our Soul sends the Unconditional salves that are perfect for us to heal that wound. It then becomes easier to hold the vibrations of who we really are, we've accepted the message, and eliminated a cause of what might have led in the past to a great suffering. We then experience the gift, the divine treasure of the message.
We are perfect as we are. Feel that and experience it now. We are Unconditional Love, it is our Nature. We are Joy incarnate. We are Peace. We are Happiness. We are in Harmony with all of life. We are, we become, the Ones who we've been waiting for. We become the change we've wanted to see. Heaven then lives on Earth through us and as us. We have come as Soul's from all over the Universes to experience this Great Transformation from the illusion of darkness into beings of Light. Now is the time to Lighten, Clear, and Heal ourselves. To awaken. To tune into our Messages. To begin to transform into Luminous Beings of Soul & Spirit. To bring the gifts of your Soul & Heaven to Earth. We have all the tools and support within to do so. Now is the time to be the miraculous and inspiring and uplifting journey of the Caterpillar into the Butterfly.